Title: Rainbirds
Summary: "Sometimes he knows what she’s thinking before she does."
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Word Count: 113
Rating/Warnings: PG
Pairing: Spike/Faye
A/N: For
30_kisses. Title from a Tom Waits song, which has nothing to do with the fic, other than the mood. Next to last fic for this claim! All that's left is the last chapter of Judas, which will be done before the new year.
Sometimes he knows what she’s thinking before she does. She’ll turn him to say something and find her idea right there on his face. Sometimes they just fit together, like finger and trigger or the easy slide of a kiss.
Two is just the way he moves: with Vicious, with Julia, with Jet. It’s foreign to her- she’s been a loner since she can remember. It’s just against her nature to trust someone else to lead. Spike, though, knows just how to draw her out, and for a few brief moments, they’re bigger than they are.
And it is these times, this communion, that make all the hassle, every single fight, worthwhile.