Title: Chow Mein
Summary: Why does America’s wealthiest man feed his girlfriend nothing but Chinese food?
Fandom: Smallville
Word Count: 100
Rating/Warnings: PG
Pairing: Lex/Lana
A/N: For
Rapture’s drabble contest.
They tried. They really tried.
On their very first date, protesters stopped them from leaving the mansion. The next week, Lex’s helicopter pilot was abducted by a meteor freak.
The third and fourth times were derailed by Clark and Lionel, respectively, for reasons having to do with corporate politics and the general weirdness of Smallville.
The last time, Lex dropped his wallet down an air vent in the hallway.
So now Lex and Lana are content with Chinese take-out, old movies, and sex on the couch.
When they tell their children about it, they’ll probably leave that last bit out.