Title: "Dream a Little Dream of Me" from The Late Spike Spiegel Blues
Summary: ...but nothing ever goes like it should.
Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Word Count: 503
Rating/Warnings: R for violence, major series spoilers
Pairing: Slight Spike/Julia and Spike/Faye
A/N: Wtf? But it has a name now.
A bullet came out of nowhere. Shin saw it and moved. Spike missed it, and it caught him just below his heart. Then another came, sinking into his stomach. Then another came at his head. His world spiraled into blackness.
Then he was in a soft bed in a room filled with light. It was warm, but a breeze blew through the curtains. A woman leaned over him and lifted his damp hair out of his eyes. She smelled of roses.
“Julia,” he whispered, but she didn’t respond. “Julia!” he shouted, but she didn’t listen. He reached his hand up to touch her, but it went right through her.
Then the blackness closed around him again.
He was bound to a rock on the edge of a cliff. A giant vulture swooped out of the sky. It was Vicious, he knew somehow. The bird alit next to him. Without a word, it went to work with its claws and beak, ripping his stomach open, devouring him. Then it flew off. Spike glanced down at his stomach. It was whole again.
Then it was black.
Spike and Jet were on the Bebop talking. One of his bonsai trees came to life and joined the conversation. They were debating whether or not the bounty system was becoming outdated.
He was eating bell peppers with beef. It was delicious. He had seconds.
Spike was with Faye on a bridge over a calm lake. They were laughing. He put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. She jumped into the lake. He dove in after her.
He knew he was finally awake for real when he felt a pain in his stomach. The dreams- were they dreams?- didn’t come with pain. He realized he was starving.
Spike’s eyelids flickered open. Wait. Something was wrong here. His eye- he blinked a few times. His eyes were the same. And that wasn’t right. He shut his left eye. He could see the room. He opened it and shut his right eye. Still the room.
So they’d finally done it. His false eye was gone. No past in front of him anymore, just the unadulterated present. He didn’t know whether to be angry or appreciative. For the moment, he stuck with bemused.
He looked around, trying to acquaint himself with the feeling of it. He hadn’t seen like this in years.
What he saw didn’t really surprise him. It was a hospital room, with Faye passed out in a chair beside him. Good. Maybe she’d get him some food.
“Faye,” he said. It came out as a hoarse whisper. How long had it been since he talked last? She awoke with a start.
“Oh, it’s you,” Faye said, trying to keep her voice casual. “I was starting to wonder if you ever going to bother waking up.”
“Save it,” he said, smiling despite himself. God it was good to hear a familiar voice again, even if it was taunting him. “Get me some food?”