Fun meme. Sorry it's huge. (See end of 14 for why)

Mar 22, 2011 23:00

This is by ffaddict89
The Rules:
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.

2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up: A bottle of wine, a basket with a bunch of candles in it, my backscratcher with a long handle, my iPod, nighttime through the window.

2. How do you style your hair? Just blow dry with a big round brush. Pretty easy.

3. What are you wearing now? Black t-shirt and pajama pants with flaming Superman S's all over them.

4. What's one sneaky thing you like doing? Playing harmless, but amusing pranks on people, then blaming someone else.

5. What do you hear right now? My dog snoring is as loud as my iPod, which I picked up when I was 'looking for things without moving.' Current song: Joey Fehrenbach, Behold.

6. What's your favourite guilty pleasure treat? Besides H/D fics? Well, Albus Severus/Scorpius fics, of course. And grape martinis.

7. What are you thinking about right now? That I'm really good at blowing off my work, and that kid Greyson Chance has a really nice voice (saw random youtube clips).

8. Write the first word that comes to mind. Nefarious. Just like it is all, as far as words go.

9. Dog person or cat person? Dog now, cat when he is gone.

10. If you came across $2,000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in? Turn it in and secretly wish I'd kept it.

11. What was the last thing that you bought? Cocaine. KIDDING people. It was a 12-pack of Diet Coke.

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I'd tour around Europe. How can I pick just one?

13. Where do you see yourself in five minutes? In the driveway saying "Come on! Hurry! It's cold!" to the dog while he sniffs half the yard.

14. Last book you've read? All textbook bullshit for my classes. 3 more to go and voile! Master's no. 2! (Still can't post a fic, though, or make a link/cut).

15. What are you doing this weekend? Fun - dinner and wine bar with friends, visiting family. Sucky - cleaning, catch up work.

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play? I play the cello, but I'd like to play the guitar.

17. How are you? Truly? A bit sad. But I'm workin' on it.

18. What are you doing tomorrow? Going to work as usual.

19. What are you looking forward to the most? Tomorrow? I have an opportunity to sit in a hottub for the first time in ages, and I'll be taking it!!!

I'll tag these lovely people because  they happen to be quite awesome:bleedforyou1, brinimc, nursedarry, talekayler, tigersilver, treacle_tartlet, usakiwigirl, and valinorean.


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