... Things are better now. Yesterday was a mini breakdown of frustration and stress over the "scholarly essay" (hence the weird post yesterday which I've since deleted). I just... really want to be done so I can move on to something else that doesn't destroy my sanity and confidence. So, I guess as a warning - the crazy is going to continue to come and go. Just give me a little time to collect myself and put everything back together again.
In other news, I'm going to visit my brother and his wife this weekend. A little stress free family time, here I come!
I had a very enjoyable dinner with two friends last night who were wonderfully supportive and objective about grad. school and the break-up since they know both individuals involved. Then we had cupcakes and coffee outside. (Mmm... Lemon Drop cupcake. Delicious.)
Also, knitting while watching MST3K is win. The boys playing wiffle ball in the street from 2:30 to 3am on a Wednesday night were not win. They were stupid.
Today and tomorrow will be more writing and revising. Hopefully no breakdowns, no angry / stressed LJ posts. Hopefully buying some groceries and knitting later.
(Today's quote is brought to you by Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth and Only the Toy in His Happy Meal if ya catch my drift...)