Hello Sunshine Files Fans!
Chapter 3 has been posted to Moonshadow. please follow the link:
http://www.mags-nificent.com/MSW/TSF/Fox.htm Poor Peter gets to meet his new lane family including Miss Bree! Uh oh. And there’s a little cuddle time for our new boys and for our favorite boys.
**** Side note: several years ago one of our readers asked us about “hard” copied of our stories. As you recall Thyme and I struggled on how to get them published economically and without crossing any legal boundaries. We thought we solved the problem by publishing at CafePress. However I recently found out they no longer support self publications.
I did find another online publisher: Lulu.com I’m slowly moving our stories there which are in paperback form. I’m currently up to file 63. They do have ebook capacity but I haven’t researched the cost and I’ll wait to see if anyone is interested.
Feedback always appreciated,