You Should Learn Swedish
Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!
What Language Should You Learn? i find it entertaining that i got swedish when i filled that out for the first time, perhaps its the scandinavian in me.
hanging in there with school, don't have much to do, quite a bit of free time, so i am considering working at the lab as a tester (if they have room). wow, major run on sentence.
i was ill over the weekend, but i still managed to go home one night, spent some time with matt. i'm feeling better finally today. the doc put me on antibiotics and an anesthetic, which totally knocked me out, i was getting approx 15 hours of sleep a day. and the few hours that i was up, i could barely stay awake. well, glad to be over that.
was supposed to have lunch w/tas today, but she's busy. not a big deal, bc i have stuff to finish anyways. we'll catch up on wednesday. i think i'm gonna try some indian food actually, so i'm excited about that. i had it once in the past a very long time ago, and from what i remember it was good.
that's all.