Jan 03, 2008 16:06
- Read last Sunday's Gospel (Ms. Maudie told us to be prepared for a quiz anytime about the Gospel)
- Read Noli
- Read about the Industrial Rev and makes notes (so discussion will flow smoothly tom)
- Poster (for those who haven't submitted) is due tom
= What do you prefer? The book or the movie? From there, persuade the audience which is better.
= Include the title (To Kill A Mockingbird)
= State the main characters
= Staple rubric
- Read the three selections (The Last Leaf, The Doll's House and The Open Window)
= Quiz tom about the selections
-Start reading Macbeth
- Deadlines:
= Jan. 15 - Advocacy Letters (for the Collection) + Initial Design of Booklet
= Jan. 22 - Notecards
= Jan. 30 - Outline
- None
- Read book
- HW (you can choose to do it or not - "Will not be checked, but it would help if you did it." :P)
Additional Reminders:
- REPLY SLIPS (about the Recycle thing) are due TOM!
Tell me if I missed anything! :)