Sadly, I am still in search of a job. At least I have been a substitute teacher! I had quite a few days lined up but sadly school is out this week so there goes that!
I have applied for everything I can get my hands on in two districts. I have only had the one interview mentioned a month ago. I have finally had to spread my options to a district further away. They make you jump through hoops though. I can't go into their offices to put in paperwork, it all has to be sent into an online job listing website. This website makes each individual paper have it's own barcode that you send with it so it is scanned into the right file. I printed all of those off today so I can hopefully get it all sent in by Friday.
I also decided to try and get a summer tutoring job. A few of the teachers I student taught with recommended a few options for me which I'll look in to. I am not sure if there are any openings of course but it doesn't hurt to look! I also figured that if I can't get a steady job for next year I can always try and keep tutoring and subbing. I know I really really want my own classroom but I could do that for another year while I wait for more openings. Plus being a substitute teacher puts my face in the schools even more.
On a more fun note:
Next weekend,
shelly_ellie and I are going camping with Yelp friends. So far it sounds like a really fun group! We are going to camp out at the beach but in a wooded area. The best of both worlds, right? I'm sure there will be plenty of pictures to post in a couple of weeks.
Randomly I decided to look at prices for a trip to Australia. It is something I've always wanted to do but I have a feeling it will be awhile before I can even attempt to do it. Just for a roundtrip ticket to Sydney and stay for a week it would cost well over $2,000. That is something I certainly cannot do right now and will take awhile on a teacher's salary. Oh well, it would be worth it though! (=