(no subject)

May 02, 2008 11:59

Holy crap. I'm graduating from college tomorrow. Where did the time go? :p

I finished my student teaching experience this last Wednesday. My class decided to throw a little going away party in my honor and bought me a cake and such. It was sweet. My mentor teacher took pictures of everything and everyone for me so I'm sure I'll post some of them when I get them.

I have an interview for my very own classroom next Wednesday. I'm still not sure of the time but all I have to do is a writing sample (as if I haven't done enough of those in the last several years), do the typical question/answer session, teach a math lesson (to veteran teachers instead of kids), and then if they like me I have to take a personality type quiz. That last part is to make sure I would fit in with the staff but I've heard if you take that personality quiz then it is basically 100% likely you've gotten the job. I was lucky to have my mentor teacher, the principal at my school, and three other teachers at my school call/write emails to the principal at the school I'm interviewing with to leave a good word! I've also heard that the special education teacher from that school called the one at my school and asked about me. At least I made some good connections during student teaching! *crosses fingers* Hopefully I get the job!!

Okay, I guess I've updating on all that I can for now. I need to finish with all the packing and things to head back to college one last time!
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