YAY! I passed the West-E! Remember that huge test I had to take several weeks ago? Well, the results just got my parents' house so my mom texted me (yeah I taught her how to text lol) to let me know while I was in class. It was hard for me to contain my excitement (= Now, I'm one step closer to student teaching. I just need to get my placement and get fingerprinted and I'll be good to go! (=
My weekend was loads of fun.
shelly_ellie and I spent all of Saturday in Portland. The only thing I have to show for it is two books from Powells. "Black" by Ted Dekker (which I'm almost 1/2 way finished with...it's really good! I cant put it down haha) and the next installment of the Shannara series. I'll prolly read that over spring break! On Sunday my parents,
shelly_ellie,and I went grocery shopping and such along with getting me and the parents new phones! It's awesome. Well not when at home because service drops like crazy but out here at school I haven't had any problems. *knocks on wood* I guess I shouldn't make that assumption yet seeing as how I've only been back since last night lol. I also hung out with Markus on Sunday. I must say I love the first season of Supernatural. I haven't seen those episodes in awhile so it was almost brand new for me! Also, I got some good Wii playing time in that I even got a tad sore! I may be going home again this upcoming weekend with Britt. I dont know if she decided for sure if she wants to go or not so we shall see. No matter what it should be a fun weekend (=
Tomorrow I dont have PE so I'm working at the book fair until noon. After that I get to go pay all sorts of fees to get my diploma and teaching certificate stuff processed. I'm going to skip my last class since we are just watching a movie. So I decided I'll start working out (who knows how long that will last haha) then come home and write my lesson plan that is due on Thursday. I love the fact that the lesson plan is the only bit of homework I have for this week! I dont even have my quiz on Thursday like usual! Definitely good, especially after the hectic week last week!
Speaking of last week. I had my call chart presentation in music that went really well. I still dont know my grade on it but I should find out Thursday or sometime next week. Hopefully my prof feels the same lol. Then all that is left for that class is a couple of quizzes (one of which is on the 1st) and teaching a dance. Shouldn't be too difficult...well other then being video taped. That will be rather odd (=