Title: Mint na Bokura
Title aka: We are Mint
Mangaka: YOSHIZUMI Wataru
Genre: Shoujo, Comedy, Romance, Gender Bender
Story Length: 6 volumes
Status: Complete
Scanlator: Manga Daisuki
Licensed: No
Summary: The twins Maria and Noeru [Noel] have always lived together and are very closely linked. When Maria decides to enter Morinomiya School because of the beautiful eyes of its basketball coach, Noeru, who refuses to be separated from his sister, decides to enter the same establishment. Unfortunately, there are no places left for boys. He thus decides to pass himself off as a girl! But school life is not easy when one must constantly play in a comedy! Especially when Noeru rapidly falls in love with Miyu, a fellow classmate, while he himself is courted by another student.
Minto no Bokura v01
http://www.mediafire.com/?7fo0wpjefjcMinto no Bokura v02
http://www.mediafire.com/?cmdjta5lg5vMinto no Bokura v03
http://www.mediafire.com/?80dmrdft3z9Minto no Bokura v04
http://www.mediafire.com/?2ygbmwr1m0kMinto no Bokura v05
http://www.mediafire.com/?a12l110hdm0Minto no Bokura v06