I love (parenthesis)

Dec 15, 2007 22:05

 My AOL welcome screen is different and for some reason that means surfing the web on AOL is super beyond slow. Thus, I am on Internet Explorer and experimenting with how quick different things load on AOL (which is not very)

I finally finished with school. After a minor-traumatic incident with one of my last quizzes in which I bubbled in the scantron that I had quiz #1 when I actually had quiz #2 (He makes two versions of the test) resulted in a grade of 36 (After I flipped out and e-mailed him, I actually got a B+ on the quiz) and a pretty funny open book final, I am DONE. FINITO. Now I get to do more hours at work and make some much needed money. My balance in the bank was like $30 after that New York trip :'( I still need to buy people gifts. I am poor. Everyone is getting a pack of Orbit gum from me this year. Keep that breath fresh.

I found the gingerbread cookie mix at Publix! It's not in the cake/cookie mix section, it's next to the eggs in some seasonal thingy. This makes me happy because I love little gingerbread men and want to make cookies without 5 million ingredients. I will be baking some this next week 
:9 yummy!

The real reason I started this stupid entry was because I was watching Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers on TNT just now, and I wasn't paying much attention, but the moment I looked up at the tv (during the battle at Helm's Deep) I hear this AH-OOO-OH! and lo and behold.... I witnessed the Wilhelm scream for the first time in a movie and not on a YouTube clip. It was pretty funny. That is a pretty funny scream. I want to have an accident and scream like that. Naw, that'd just be silly.

movies, school stuff, christmas

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