+ Harry is wearing the locket!
+ Shadowy figures in the background, possibly DE's?
+ This battle takes place in a colloseum-ish thing. Where is this?
+ The outside of the jacket has curtains so i'm guessing there's a really strong connection between the characters and whatever is beyond the veil. Possibly on All Hallows Eve? Sirius and whoever else is back there communicate with Harry?
+ Voldie and Harry have their hands facing the same direction, like if something was up there outside what we can see in the image, and is coming at them. what is the significance of this?
+ Hermione looks fat.
+ As kiki suggested, they are possibly on the horcrux hunt, but i want to know what's up with their clothes?
Harry's robes are all torn up while Ron and Hermione have got the fancy-shmancy thing going on.
+ The house elf. Dobby? Can't be. He looks evil... but also, wouldn't the illustratior make Kreacher more wrinkled looking? He has a sword (Gryffindor's?)
+ If you look reeeeeaaaallllyyy close, there's a reflection of two people in Harry's glasses. One looks like Neville but I can't be too sure.
+ There's a bird looking thing on the jar on the lower left corner. Ravenclaw? Who's armor could this be?!