May 02, 2003 23:19
I am absolutely in love with 4 people!
yeah, i know, 4 people, i'm a whore. But three of them are cats. And get this, all 4 hugged me and kissed me today, and were over at my house. Even Christa because her mom said something nice today ("yes"). But, well, that was really great, but at the moment (sorry chris) i'm even more psyched about one of the cats. Specifically Gaia, who ran away from home 10 days ago! I haven't seen her since. We drove around the neighbors hood a million times. My mom visited all the local shelters. We were all kinda sad. Especially my mom, she had started to except it, but i have a very long denial period. But she hippity hopped over my back fence this evening with erh cute little trilling mew. And then she was home, and everythign was great. I'm sure she was drawn home by the fire which christa convinced me to make in the back yard. Another reason she should come over more often, maybe i will find all those lost socks next times she is over. Oh but i am so happy to have my cat home, everytime staphanie talked about her cat i got sooo sad, but now i'm super happy!!!!!!! yipeeee! I'm in love. oooh, it feels so good. If you haven't this good letely you needs some cats, and a girlfriend! mmmmmmm happy