The Awesomeness that was Event Game.

May 08, 2007 11:53

It is that time again. That time when spring has sprung and larpers get all twitchy and excited.
Yes. It is time for TGN Twin Cities Event Game for Werewolf The Apocalypse.
For those who just recently read my LJ, you will find that I post ever so rarely, but when I do it is either something that sucks, or something that Rocks.
This is something that Rocked My Socks off.
When game started, I knew we were all in for a wild ride, as there were nearly 100 people there when dinner started, I of course was making the proper introductions before hand. My character is a mute metis (the deformed and sterile offspring of two werewolves in this game.) Glasswalker (the city wolves), Galliard (the moon he was born under, his Auspice, Story tellers, singers, lore keepers). So I was showing my card to those who needed it, rekindling friendships with those who knew my character cause I stick out like a sore thumb, whiles I forced myself to remember these people that I hadn't seen in like a year.
After a dinner of Brats, the galliards got together and started with the round of introductions, the "getting to know you" deal, and then songs and stories. My character thankfully has a chalkboard. I think we told some stories before moving it inside and then starting a roaring fire to help set the mood. We started with some silly songs, and then when the group broke out in "Fuck Her Softy" and "Tribute (to the greatest song in the world)" It marked a high light in my night.
We were going to do a silent acting out of Rides the Falling Waters' story on a fallen packmate, but something bigger came up.
After the main Moot Rite had begun, (the first part being on friday, and then the rite finishing up on sunday ) The Grand Dutchess Bates the Wyrm (a SIlver fang, garou >aka werewolf< royalty) stated that we were going to go and finish our great foe Madicci a fallen Glasswalker to the Weaver whiles he had spread himself thin and weak. She wanted everyone to do this.
However, Leaves of Ashes,  our sept Alpha here stated "If you have any doubts that you aren't ready to take something like this on.. Please Stay behind, there is no dishonor in doing this." For even this foe scared the shit out of him. My pack alpha was kinda dissipointed that his other pack mates, two which were hardy Get of Fenris (norse werewolves, vikings, think klingons) were going to stay behind. And kinda dissapointed that I was too.
But a great many people did go. And on saturday, when the time was right they set out. Going in teams they struck down the enemy with quickness and percision. Using creativity and cunning they dissasembled Medicci's fortrice in the Umbra and working together in waves. There were bullets the size of oranges, walls made of the strongest weaver crystaline stuffs, electrical fields so strong you could feel the heat off of them.
And yet they all fell under the might of the Garou that risk their lives for this all.
Mean while back at the Cearn...
The Galliards, and others started up a collection of songs and stories to keep the spirits up of those there. After all the cubs, denparents, and those left to protect the Cearn in case of counter strike needed their minds off what was happening.
During this time, I felt it was a good idea to go on my fostern challenge, to tell two stories, one of a cub, and one of someone higher in rank than me Equally. Now being a mute you think that would be harder than it sounds. However, thankfully some who had come knew ASL. So via them I was able to tell a story of Rides the Falling Waters and craftfully intertwine it with a cubs story. When it was all over with, the Master of the challenge declared that I was now Fostern.
Whoot for me!
After a few more stories songs and the like, Packs started to RETURN.
And the stories they brought with them were glorious, telling how they took down their foes, crushed the weaver bred forces, and saved innocents from their clutches.
It wasn't with out risk though, as when two who were attacking the front gate, returned on the edge of this world and the next were quickly healed, they told us that they needed reinforcements. And reinforcements came.
And soon the rest of the story played itself out. Warriors came, they saw, they ripped it open and tore it down and made the evil dude behind all this, squeal like a little japanese school girl.
After this there was more talk, more great role play and more meetings and greetings.
When Sunday came, I was sore, but wanting more.
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