Is it me or has game just ROCKED as of late?

Feb 09, 2006 01:37

Alright Yes this is a bit of a late LJ upday on the game of New Alum. But oh well. Here is what went down last game...

Well there is a game missing inbetween, That game involved the Fae and the resolution of somethings. But at the end of it we all learned something very important. A strange woman clothed in dark trench coat, had a *were in the world is carmen sandiago hat on* Let us know something painstikingly important.
The surounding cities were starting to show that they were starting to go the way of St. Peter.
She of course was questioned on *who* she was. Ashes stated that she was someone he trusted. Fair enough....still might investigate on who she is...
Turns out that six other cities around us were showing wyrm infestations. The local spirits in the area were ....being apathic...
Each of these major spirits were things like Torcher, Pain, Suffering, Sloth, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy....wait a second...Wasn't the last major bane that of Pride?! We got a pattern going here...
Next game....
At the next gathering, the begining there wasn't much to report.
More or less we started out just talking away with some new people, and making sure things and people are doing alright. And then the greatest thing in the world for Hugh happened. Keesha returned.
Keesha is the Bone Gnawer who run's the local homeless shelter and happens to to be my pack alpha. There was much rejoicing with her return, one cause she has recently given birth (in and out of char), and secondly being kinda alone with out a leader gets frusterating...Plus with her there we could have all the other Claiths and new people join in the New Stag pack.
First however Ashes called for a war party to take on our first new target. And of course nearly everyone was wanting to do that. I have my own theories on why that is...But anyway, The warder decided however that the members the new stag pack should stay behind seeing that they would have to preform the rite of the pack...So we agreed to this and Ashes and them went off...* I EVER going to get my glory and wisdom?!*
So Gunther had us gather in a circle. And he began the rite. Telling us of how a pack is our family, our church, the people that we are now bound to. He then took out a bottle of whisky. Stag is the tribe totem of the Fianna, and they cherish things like partying, celibrating, combat, loving, and ofcorse drinking. Hence the liquor, Stag was then summoned. We then took the bottle and each of us took a squig, next a knife that Gunther had provided and cut the person who was next to us hand, they poured some of their blood into the liquor, it was sqished around and then offered to stag. Who excepted, then chose a beta.
After the rite was over, Keesha told us to patrol the bon. Nothing big happened there...
Then we were called back....
Here is where the shit hits the fan... You remember St. Peter...Well the fountain in the church, were normally they bless things, was connected to an Umbral Realm called "The Scar" And what the scar is is this Huge Wyrm Factory. That is the best way of discribing it. What it is, is a factory...That is 40 stories high, and covering 40 square aceres. With pipes that pump out wyrm tainted toxins and the like...The very sight of this place makes you ill, it depresses you and drains you. And if you don't have enough will...well it also will call out to work in the factory...Pull that lever...dump that bucket...this is your job...this is where you are to work at...
Opon entering scar, three of us were taken this feeling. And so what do we have to do, Get those three normalized.
With that done we have to figure out the pipe that leads to our place in the umbra, It is a good thing that before entering Scar we took these red pills that gave us bracelets that when snapped would get us OUT of Scar. Well once we get things settled. Pack alpha tells strider to go off by himself. Stupid. Moment he stops and looks around, he gets jumped by factory workers. Keesha gets there just in time to see him get dissapear off to somewhere, And then SHE starts getting attacked. Well Being the good little pack memeber we are we rush to her side. I have long sense activated my chalkboard fetish and turned it into a big ass club. And have been in Crinos the entire time. Coming on the people who were attacking Keesha, Hugh takes his mighty club and swings! BLAM! There is a little fight that goes on here. Keesha also gets taken to the factory, And then another packmate starts to get attacked!! Well after taking out these spirits, Gunther comes along! Only it wasn't really gunther...He had gotten possesed by one of his ansesters! He COMMANDS that we show him the bracelets and he snaps them. One of the chars did manage to tell who ever possessed Gunther where the other two were. Well Pop back to point of orgin in the Umbra.
Then Gunther becomes himself again. And I quote him "OH SHIT!"
He jumps back into the scar *with a braclet of course*
When he comes back out...he is nearly Jelly And Dying BADLY, The bear Makes this huge umbral jump and heals him just enough to hang onto life.
Then Gunther is healed back up...what does he do?
JUMP Back into the scar! He wasn't leaving ANYONE behind...
Well how it ended. Went to the scar, got in got out, never want to go back there. And everyone got out alive.
When Hugh Got back to the sept, he gets two computers to hack. Good thing he has two weeks to do it. Fun fun.
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