Thoughts on last night - spoiler, spoiler, spoiler

May 21, 2011 08:24

Thoughts on last night. First - I've read no other reviews purposefully.  I wanted to throw my two cents in before I was influenced by anyone else.  And since I'm such a SPN ho, I figured anyone could convince me of anything.

Spoilers in the cut )

love my show

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Comments 38

feliciakw May 21 2011, 12:40:29 UTC
Pretty much in agreement with everything here. I can't really be "mad" at Dean, because he was in so much pain doing what he thought he had to do. But. Yeah, what you said.

I'll have much to say about it in my long and rambly. Or I might just link to your post.

Also, there might be fic.


saberivojo May 21 2011, 12:44:41 UTC
Ooooh. Do NOT taunt me with fic and then not go through with it. *glares sternly at you, much like John Winchester*


feliciakw May 21 2011, 13:24:28 UTC
Oh, no worries. Musey wrote the story while I was in the shower. The problem is that I won't have time to get it in writing until this evening at the latest. So I hope Musey doesn't snatch it away.

And to taunt you further, I'll just say that John does make an appearance of sorts in the fic. In a very obtuse way.


purple_carpets May 21 2011, 13:35:33 UTC
*butts in*
I'm very intrigued by the idea of mind-wipe-fix-it fic. And having John sort of kinda in there...*dolphin noises*


purple_carpets May 21 2011, 12:45:35 UTC
I don't even know how I feel about the whole thing. On the one hand it made me squee and gasp and yell at my tv, which I appreciate, but the longer I think about it it just doesn't make sense. At all ( ... )


saberivojo May 22 2011, 01:14:11 UTC
How are they going to be any better off, not knowing what's out there when Dean still cares about them and they're still the very obvious go-to hostages whenever the baddies can't get to Sam. The only difference is, now they don't know who to call for help.

See? That's what I'm saying too. And I do think it is just a convenient way to get rid of Ben and Lisa. I hate that...I really do. Let just ask the angel to get rid of their memories. Come on writers...let's work for it okay??

What about my head canon where teen!Ben hunts down Sam and Dean and becomes a hunter, huh? Huh???

This is why there is fanfic.

*runs off to write my own coda and thumbs nose at SPN writers*


harrigan May 21 2011, 12:51:17 UTC
oh sweetie. Lots of folks around LJ right now are feeling your pain. See de_nugis if you haven't by now...

I do think it was completely in character for Dean to think that. I think, like in What Is and What Can Never Be, Dean deep down yearns for a giant do-over and thought he was giving them the greatest gift he could.

I agree with you - and even Sam called him on it - he was wrong. But the show has been doing this for 6 years -- having characters make terrible decisions that hurt others with the best of intentions. You're probably right that the show won't address this mistake though, like it did most of the others. But, with SPN, you never know! I certainly expect some fix-it fanfic to come out of this!


saberivojo May 22 2011, 01:17:43 UTC
Well, I do think it would be "in character" for Dean to be a martyr and suffer silently over and about Ben and Lisa ifhis sacrifice made them safe. In a heartbeat, he would. But his sacrifice doesn't make them safe. Actually, it makes them less safe and I can't believe that Dean would be so stupid as to think that him severing ties with Ben and Lisa would mean that no supernatural baddie wouldn't use them for leverage if they could.

I certainly expect some fix-it fanfic to come out of this!

I'm working on this now...*grumbles*


ficwriter1966 May 21 2011, 13:08:01 UTC
I thought the whole thing (both episodes) was kind of hilarious. In fact, I'm looking back at the whole season as being pretty hilarious. Everything that was supposed to be HUGE has fizzled out. Sam's Drywall Of Doom, holding back memories of Hell that were so utterly horrific (as opposed to Dean's memories of torturing others for 40 years) that he would be immediately turned into a blathering vegetable ( ... )


leelust May 21 2011, 18:00:57 UTC
I'm sad but i agree with you here. I can't believe i loved this show so mush. Now? It's laughable.


saberivojo May 22 2011, 01:22:26 UTC
Lisa and Ben got Connor'ed. HA! I forgot about that! I hated that too!

I don't hate the show...I just am disappointed with taking the easy way out. Let's have recurring characters that are important to Dean and instead of making it work..just scrub their memories away and *POOF* they are no longer a part of the story line.

I don't quite know what to think about Cas being God. They never really said that Chuck was God but it was certainly implied. Maybe he is just a power hungry and now the most powerful angel.

Jensen does walk on water though!


zara_zee May 21 2011, 13:26:09 UTC
Yep. I think pretty much everyone saw the great logic flaw in the 'wipe their memories' plan - if Dean still remembers them they're still useful as bait. Doesn't make them safer one bit.

Ben struggled with the violence and the shotgun (as any kid should) and he was looking a bit like a stunned, walking zombie trying to cope with what was happening...gave me a new appreciation for John. Dean and Sam may not have had a puppies, rainbows and lollipops childhood but, hey, they got to stay alive (unlike Adam) and their training kept them safe and more or less sane! :)


saberivojo May 22 2011, 01:23:54 UTC
Ben struggled with the violence and the shotgun (as any kid should) and he was looking a bit like a stunned, walking zombie trying to cope with what was happening...gave me a new appreciation for John. Dean and Sam may not have had a puppies, rainbows and lollipops childhood but, hey, they got to stay alive (unlike Adam) and their training kept them safe and more or less sane!

I like how you put that in words. I have been saying that for years.

*iz grumpy*


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