Put Away Wet

May 23, 2011 16:26

Title: Put Away Wet

Author: Saberivojo

Rating: Gen, PG 13 for potty language, H/C

Characters: Cowboy!Dean, Cowboy!Sam, Cowboy!Bobby, Cowboy!John

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just like playing with the boys

Word Count: approx 21,000

Originally written for roque_clasique on the occasion of her birth. Original beta pdragon76 subsequent beta by the magnificent roque_clasique. This was roque's birthday wish. :Prompt: Wild West AU!!Dean is a cowboy with a bad leg (SURPRISE!!!), and he's most comfortable a horse, since he can't walk all that well. He's a rockin' rider despite the leg, and he and his shiny black horse have a very special relationship. Sam left the family ranch in order to go to school in the city, but when John goes missing, Dean has to get off his horse and go after his brother. A/N - This was originally a one shot but it has taken on a life of it's own. COMPLETE
Chapter One,
Chapter Two,
Chapter Three,
Chapter Four,
Chapter Five,
Chapter Six,
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight>/a>,


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