Jason was wonderful. The only bad thing was that it did not last long enough. He is even cuter than ever, not that he wasn't before but the last time I saw him he was in the process of losing weight, weight that he put on for Rock Slyde. He was adorable then but his lighter fighting weight suits him. He is tall. Jared once referred to him as a big boy, he would be right!
He sang music from his new CD Soul and from his first self titled CD. He sang wonderful songs like Soul and Real World as well as old favorites like Crazy Love. He did that version of Crazy Love where he rolls into The Weight. He also did a rousing rendition of Sexual Healing. Well done! There were a lot of other songs of course, but I was in Jason Mode and don't remember much.
He was hot. I mean yes he is hawt but I mean hot! . Yesterday was only 90. (And doesn't that sound cool and refreshing!) but the room was hot. Only three songs in and he made a comment to that effect as he wiped his brow. Later when I grabbed him for a pic or two, he apologized for the sweat dripping down his back as he pulled me into a hug.
Not a problem Jason, I haz been sweated on by Jared. I know from sweat.
Honestly, the man is phenomenal. Gregarious, gracious and a gentleman through and through. It is so nice to meet someone who really seems to enjoy his work but also cares about being a good human being as well. He really seemed happy to chat and when I told him my eight year old loved his music too, he said that he was glad to hear it. And thanks...he said thank you a lot. Like his momma taught him good manners and just because he is a rising star, it doesn't mean he is a dick. I know a million people tell him how much his music means to them, but when I told him that, he really seemed appreciative.
I suppose he could be an amazing actor, but much like Dean, I pride myself on being able to read people and Jason is the real thing. I told him I had driven from Baltimore. He seemed impressed but in the next breath he said with a grin that he had come from Virginia. What a great smile he has! I told him that I hope he had been able to visit with his family and he said he had. Gah, that man is awesome.
Also, since I was by myself I really wanted to touch base with folks there. I met two wonderful fangurls from Atlantic City and another from Philly. They had all met in Vancouver and the two AC girls were surprised to see the Philly girl at the show. My what a small world. They were sweet and and kind and put up with my constant Jason babbling. True, they loved him as well so I guess it was okay.
I was so excited I could not even sit with them during the set but crawled up to the first table and scootched myself up on my knees, just behind he video camera that Jason had set up and just drooled.
Guys. don't get me wrong. I think he is adorable and sweet and a wonderful guy but it is his music that grabs me. He puts his heart and soul into it and it shows. Plus, it is my kind of music, soft and easy with a tempo that makes you want to swing your hips.