Revelations - Part 4 Cowboy!fic

Apr 17, 2010 06:44

Title: Revelations
Author: Saberivojo
Characters: Cowboy!Sam, Cowboy!Dean, Cowboy!Bobby
Summary: Cowboy!AU - follow up to Put Away Wet Cowboy!AU Put Away Wet, Finding Sam http:/// and Heading Home You should read those before this. Thanks to Roque for amazing betaness.

It turns out that Bobby Singer knows quite a bit about hunting. It turns out that he ain’t letting Sam or Dean leave until he’s imparted as much knowledge as he can.

Which is making Dean a little crazy but there’s not much he can do about it.

Salt repels a lot of nasty things, iron too. Silver and holy water are high on the list. It occurs to Dean that Pa has set this ranch up like a fucking supernatural trap. All the iron fixtures that Dean always figured were just aesthetics take a new meaning. Bobby shows him specific sigils tucked away under rugs and etched into oak, floorboards that lift and are full of goofer dust. Salt poured carefully under window board and around sashes. Hell, the damn house is reinforced with iron and how fuckin’ hard was that to do?

It makes Dean feel kind of stupid. Where was he while all this was going on?

Bobby heads to the library, the only place on the ranch that’s one hundred percent Pa’s. The library is off-limits, always had been. Being called to the library meant you were in deep shit, so neither boy wanted to be there anyway. But it’s just a room and Dean is all grown-up now so he wonders why his belly still does a flip when he steps into the richly paneled room. The falter in his stride has nothing to do with his bad leg.

It smells of Pa. Whiskey, cigar smoke, old books, and something so intrinsically his father that Dean can almost see him standing behind the big desk. Sam is a half step behind and even though Dean can’t see him, he knows his brother feels like he does.

This is Pa’s place.

Bobby seems to have no issues with the library whatsoever. He runs his hands down a line of books, lingers at one, passes it and moves to another. He pulls it out of the bookshelf. Oddly enough, it’s not dusty.

“You boys bring this with you. Read it when you can. There’s a lot of stuff in it that can help. But I want you both to know this exorcism inside and out.” Bobby opens it up and taps a page that’s been dog-eared from use. “Your daddy knows this one by heart but his Latin ain’t as good as Sam’s and ya’ll can never tell who’s gonna need to step up to the plate. So learn it. Know it. “

Then Bobby walks to their father’s desk and opens the top drawer and reaches underneath. His had goes unerringly to something under the drawer and Dean hears a subtle click, then watches as a hidden drawer slides out. Both Dean and Sam exchange looks, neither one quite able to get a handle on all of this. Bobby picks up a leather-backed journal. He slaps it on the desk with some force. There’s a clasp and a strap of leather that holds it together, but other than that it seems pretty non-descript.

“This right here, is your Daddy’s journal. Everything he’s ever run into, all the supernatural shit he’s ever hunted is in here. “ Bobby looks at both Sam and Dean then drops his voice is a little lower; he means them to listen. “This right here is your bible, boys, and y’all better learn it chapter and verse.”

Dean nods his head. The whole damn situation doesn’t make a lot of sense. Salt, iron, exorcisms and journals? He says as much to Bobby. Bobby gives Dean a wry smile that doesn’t quite go up to his eyes.

“Well, you’re the one who asked, kid. You Winchestered your way into this damn thing whether I wanted it or not.”

“Yeah, but Bobby. All of this?”

Bobby just offers an amused grimace. “This is your pa, Dean. You know him better than anybody.”

Dean can’t help but say what’s on his mind at that moment. “I thought I knew him better than anybody,”

Bobby scowls and then tips his head in Dean’s direction. “C’mon Dean, when in the hell did he ever tell you anything anyway?”

Dean can’t argue with that one. But he can hear Sam’s snort from behind him. It seems as though Sam has more than a few choice words to say even if Dean doesn’t.

But Sam holds his tongue, something that Dean is incredibly thankful for. Right now he doesn’t want to have a knockdown drag-out with his brother.

“Look boys, this ain’t easy. Ain’t easy for me and it sure ain’t easy for you but if you’re hell-bound to follow your daddy than it’s gotta be done.”

“Okay Bobby.” Dean rumbles. “Let’s get to work.”


They plan on leaving early and traveling light. They carry Pa’s journal and the big book of Latin and supernatural shit. They’re armed to the teeth, rifles, shotguns, handguns and silver knives strapped to boots. Mac carries Dean’s cane, his favorite Spencer repeating rifle and extra salt. Howard has extra dry rations. They both divvy up ammo, the rest of the guns and their own bedrolls. They figure they’ll hunt whatever comes their way, both in terms of dinner and evil things.

Bobby insists on riding with the boys to the end of the property line of the Rocking W. He huffs some kind excuse about needing to check the fence line anyway, but Dean can see that Sam can barely contain a lopsided grin.

“You know boys, your daddy picked this land special. For a lot of reasons.” Dean swivels expectantly towards Bobby. “It’s great land to raise cattle. Boys too.” Bobby doesn’t look at either Winchester as he rides, and Dean has a brief flash of growing up here. Hard work, long lazy days of swimming holes and freedom. It’s a strange combination. He glances quickly at Sam. Sam’s memories don’t always agree with Dean’s but he figures Sam might be able to remember some good stuff too.

Bobby squints into the early morning sun and nods toward the surrounding land.

“This land is blessed by the locals. Some folks don’t hold with Injun magic, but your daddy does. He figures they been around these parts longer than us. Those folks might just know a little more than they’re willin’ to share. Your daddy convinced them he was worth teachin’ about the old ways. That John Winchester can be a smooth talker when he wants to.”

Sam purses his lips. “I don’t remember too much smooth talkin’ with Pa, Bobby. Just a lot of “Get your butt over here when I tell ya, Sam.’ Or ‘Hustle up, we ain’t got all day.’ Sometimes there was that famous, ‘Ain’t worth doin’ if you don’t do it right’ speech.' I think I heard that a million times.“

Bobby nods at Sam. “Well, I never did say your pa was a patient man, Sam. Doesn’t mean he didn’t know what he was talkin’ about.”

They pull up three abreast; Sam, Dean and Bobby. Bobby leans forward in the saddle and pins are sharp look at Sam. “That ‘doin’ it right speech’, might save your ass some day. You remember that when you’re tired and don’t feel like cleanin’ your gun. Or maybe ya don’t take the extra time to give old Howard the once over, and he throws a shoe. All you’re gonna have out there is each other, these horses and the fact that you two can out shoot and out ride just about anything”

Sam drops his head just a bit at the lecture but Dean can see a smile on his lips.

“What’s so funny, kid?” Bobby growls low but there’s no heat. Sam keeps on grinning and it’s all Dean can do not to reach across the short space between them to clip his brother upside the head.

“Nothin’ Bobby.” Sam drops his head again but doesn’t even try to stop the smile

Suddenly Dean barks a laugh, because it is kind of funny. They’re off to chase down his father, a man who hunts supernatural shit like other folks hunt deer. Their weapons include salt and a book of Latin. Now Bobby’s lecturing them over cleanin’ guns and takin’ care of horses. They’ve been doin’ both all of their lives.

Bobby takes a deep breath and looks Dean in the eye.

“You watch out for your brother, Dean.”

Sam groans. “I’m right here, Bobby.”

The saddle creaks as Bobby leans forward again and catches Sam’s eye. “Yeah, and I was gonna say, Sam, make sure you watch out for Dean too, ya idjit.”

Dean can see a bit of red travel up his brother’s cheeks. It’s funny how a gentle reprimand by Bobby hits Sam a lot harder than his father’s hard right hand.

“Sorry, Bobby.”

Bobby’s gaze flickers from Dean to Sam. “You boys are sure about this? Your daddy ain’t gonna be too happy to see your faces. I’m not sure what’s gonna be worse, meetin’ up with that demon or meetin’ up with your daddy.”

Now it is Dean’s turn to smile. He figures that Bobby is probably not too far off the mark but it doesn’t matter. His Pa needs their help whether he thinks so or not. He looks over at his brother sitting easily on Howard. “Hell, Bobby. We have a plan. We got this.”

“Plan? You call this a plan? Ain’t much of a plan boys.”

“Well, it’s good enough.” Dean speaks low, almost as an afterthought.

Bobby offers a half snort, half grunt but jerks his head southward.

“Get on outta here before I change my mind or come up with something else ya need to know.”

“Yes, sir.” Dean clucks to Mac and asks the big black to move out at a lope. Sam does the same and a moment later they’re heading off the ranch, finally heading for Pa. part 5

bobby and the boys, cowboy!winchesters

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