What a gorgeous head! I love Paints anyway but that chunky head makes him even more attractive to me.
It seems to me - after deliberating on your own and with the family - you've pretty much decided and I say good for you and go for it *\o/*.
I do confess, there was a small part of me (something akin to a voice of caution) that spoke to me after my initial thinking of, "Go, girl!" ;). The one that cautions that major life changes shouldn't be made when you've suffered such a huge loss and you're still in the grieving process. And, for me personally, getting a horse (even adopting Cooper) is bigger than quitting a job, buying a Corvette, or selling a house (the latter my dad did after my mom passed). And that's because it's a living being that you're talking about bringing into to your world, and not just a thing.
That being said, I can't think of *anyone* else that I know in this virtual world of lj that I truly believe would have the best interests of Max at heart (and Cooper!) more than you ♥ Plus, you even have a precedent with Cooper as the right decision since it's turned out so well ;).
If you do get Max, please update when you're up to it. I'd love to hear how both the bonding and riding goes. And, while I'm asking and when you're up to it, show us a picture or two of the pups too. Best of luck with the new job too. You deserve some positives to look forward to. {{{hugs}}}
It's funny, I tend to like a more refined head but this one suits him just fine. I appreciate your honesty. I have said the same thing to myself. But...if it doesn't work out I will make sure he finds a wonderful home. Still, I never go into adopting or buying any animal thinking that. I'm sure he will be with me till the end. Apparently, once you join my furry family you are there forever.
It seems to me - after deliberating on your own and with the family - you've pretty much decided and I say good for you and go for it *\o/*.
I do confess, there was a small part of me (something akin to a voice of caution) that spoke to me after my initial thinking of, "Go, girl!" ;). The one that cautions that major life changes shouldn't be made when you've suffered such a huge loss and you're still in the grieving process. And, for me personally, getting a horse (even adopting Cooper) is bigger than quitting a job, buying a Corvette, or selling a house (the latter my dad did after my mom passed). And that's because it's a living being that you're talking about bringing into to your world, and not just a thing.
That being said, I can't think of *anyone* else that I know in this virtual world of lj that I truly believe would have the best interests of Max at heart (and Cooper!) more than you ♥ Plus, you even have a precedent with Cooper as the right decision since it's turned out so well ;).
If you do get Max, please update when you're up to it. I'd love to hear how both the bonding and riding goes. And, while I'm asking and when you're up to it, show us a picture or two of the pups too. Best of luck with the new job too. You deserve some positives to look forward to. {{{hugs}}}
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