
May 08, 2013 23:10

Just started to read a fic. Not on LJ mind you and not SPN. The main character is in his 40 or 50s. It's from his POV. Don't you think he would know how old he is?

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chemm80 May 9 2013, 04:59:49 UTC
Lol, the badfic...it buurrrns! I'm guessing the first several paragraphs of the story consist of describing the character(s), their entire past and history and the scenario of the story.


saberivojo May 13 2013, 23:47:36 UTC
That is exactly the case. But me and my waffling POV issues (Lord knows I HAVE THEM) I really noticed the "background" from the POV. It was just a silly error but in made me giggle


chemm80 May 13 2013, 23:54:30 UTC
OMFG, of course it is. Please, dear Author, do NOT start your story with a lot of explanation/exposition. Start with action, dialogue, profanity, bloodshed...anything that will make me think this is going to be an interesting story, or I promise you I will not read past the first couple of paragraphs, if that. Make me care about your character in the present before you start showing me his past. Don't tell me that your character is quiet/decisive/quirky/whatever...show. Ugh.


saberivojo May 13 2013, 23:56:07 UTC
And how many times have you told me that one?



chemm80 May 13 2013, 23:59:40 UTC
Hee. I should really get over myself. If you can't practice the craft of writing with fanfic, where can you practice?


saberivojo May 14 2013, 00:03:27 UTC
Well, you've used that "Show don't tell" club more than a few times upside my head.

I say, take the hit without a rub and learn from it. Sometimes I just need some remedial tutoring!


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