To my John!Girls (spoilers for this season) And all previous seasons!

Dec 09, 2012 17:06

So, there is a lot of discontent about this season. 

I'm always happy about watching the boys, it's just varying degrees of happiness.  There is always some things that make me cringe, others that make me laugh and while nothing is 100% perfect I try to hold on to the the basic premise that I love Show no matter what. Normally that is not to hard for me to do. I suppose I have selective watching.  I pull out the stuff I love and dwell on it, cuddle it and keep it close to my heart. I wave my hands dismissively at the things I don't.

What? It makes me happy.

I'm so far behind in reading and writing so the most I can say is that I've "glanced" at my friends page in passing. I'm a bad, bad friend and a lot of people write things with a lot more eloquence than I.  I will leave the wonderful stream of conciousness stuff to gaelicspirit.  Apparently she can actually write!  I will leave meta on John to the amazing dodger_winslow who while not playing in fandom's sandbox much anymore, has a helluvalot to say about the guy.  I will leave glimpses of John to ficwriter1966 who taunts me with little pieces of John. There are a lot more flisties that have done a great job. pdragon76 and the amazing kimonkey7 who isn't around much either but her old stuff just makes me smile.  But most of these folks focus on "old John" before the writers decided to give him a black eye and treat him like dogshit

Sorry writers, I call it like I see it.

That being said - I kinda like what's been going on with John this year.

First, we've gotten some references.  The journal is out more, the boys are looking at it. That journal is synonomous with John Winchester.   Just seeing it makes me think of John. The references to people John hunted with - while not always complimentary or even 100% what I think Season one John was about - have left me thinking that maybe, just maybe, we've turned a corner with John was an evil father who used his boys for vengence bullshit that has been going on for years. There have been a couple of comments - I can't think of them all but listening to Sam talk about his father as a Marine with such pride at the table with Amelia's father just about broke my heart.  That  man loved his dad and it shows.  I want to see Dean talk about his dad like that too.  I need it!

I'm hoping the writers are going to give us more, help clear up the daddy!issues and John is a bad guy stuff this season.  I doubt that JDM will ever be back but giving John Winchester a chance to be vindicated needs to happen and maybe this is the season for it.

Now I know John wasn't perfect, anyone who has read my John knows that.  He was an asshole, a control freak and Lord knows he made some really bad decisions.  But I've said this all along.  Any choices he made, he made because he loved his kids and his wife.  He was put into a situation that no one should ever have to be in and he raised his boys to be strong and to be survivors.

Any thoughts?

*jumps off John!girl soapbox*

meta, love my show, john, fandom

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