Ending 2008 surveys

Dec 31, 2008 14:07

It's not my habit to make New Year's resolutions. I learned long ago that it takes a lot of effort to even remember what my resolutions were even if I write them down, much less actually do them.

I prefer doing a "to-do" list, than a resolution. See, for me, resolutions are things that you want to happen but you keep putting them off because you think you have the whole year ahead of you. As opposed to a to-do list, where you have to really do them within a specific time frame. Oddly enough, it works.

I suppose you can say it's a resolution too, but somehow, in the past few years, the word "resolution" has been tacked to duty, or to something that isn't fun or exciting to do. Hence, it become tedious and people often put it aside.

Last year, sometime early March, I made a list of things I have to do and want to have. The list roughly has twenty items, and is sorted under categories. The categories aren't really anything but something like "Things to do before I turn 28..." and so on. Checking the list now, I see that I've actually done quite a bit of them and it feels great. (I published the list on my Multiply and later it evolved into my 101 Things to do in 1001 Days). It seems that it's alot easier to do than thinking of a resolution, because I don't feel pressured. Because it's things I actually want to do.

I suppose it sounds off, but that's how it is with me.

So, for 2009, I'm making a new list. A few of the things I didn't get to do/achieve in 2008 will get carried over, but on the whole, it'll be a totally new list. I find that 2008 opened new doors for me, and though I haven't really taken them, I'm glad that I am aware that there are more choices for me than I initially thought.

2008 saw challenges that I managed to overcome. I became more aware of my not-so-good traits (sometimes in a not-so-good manner) and tried to change it. I met new people, strengthened relationships with old friends, and got to know acquaintances a little better. I've visited new places, re-acquainted myself with a place I once called home and spent time with my family. I've read more books than I could count, watched more movies this year than I did in 2007. I could safely say that I fell in love, but that's a whole different story I am not talking about.

I joined NaNoWriMo again, but I didn't stop at a thousand words. I may not have reached the goal of 50,000, but I reached 21,000, which is an achievement. I got my camera, not the DSLR I wanted, but still a very good camera that has not yet failed me. I've gotten my laptop and I love it. I've done online work which earned me quite a bit of money that I've set aside.

I've done some things that were really embarrassing, or things that I later wish I didn't do, but they've been almost forgotten and thought about with a bit of ruefulness and humor. I could say that there are things that I lost, including an innocence of sorts, and that pains me. There are things that I don't look at the same way as before, and now treat with caution. On the other hand, I learned to take things as they are, and often, go with the moment, but still be open.

In 2009, I plan to tap into my creativity more, both with visual and writing. I plan to visit more places around the country, but at the same time explore my own province. Going abroad is also a dream that I won't set aside but it isn't a priority. Careerwise, I'll also be more open and maybe pursue higher education.

I'll be making that list now, and looking forward to fulfilling it all one by one. I feel blessed for everything that happened in the past year, and am looking forward to what comes in 2009. Prayers again for good health, happiness, security and contentment for everyone I love, from family to friends near and far. Guidance too, for everyday.

And for the annual year-end survey I've been doing since I started blogging (plus an additional survey too), you can see it here.

A Happy New Year to everyone. May your 2009 be filled with happiness and blessings for you and your family.

What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
- Visit Sagada hehe, took a step closer to applying for a scholarship

Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
- Not really. I don't actively make or keep new year's resolutions. I kind of make them as I go along. :) (same answer as last year's)

Did anyone close to you give birth?
- My friend Teng, and my aunt Len

Did anyone close to you die?
- He's not really close, but one of my dad's cousins passed away early this month

What countries did you visit?
- Still stayed within the country

What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2008?
- Savings! My own business, more travel opportunities, more stories published. Boyfriend, pwede rin (especially if it's... *toot*)

What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
- First date that popped to mind was April 6 ahaha...

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- Getting a passport, getting more IDs, finally buying a camera & a laptop and going to Sagada

What was your biggest failure?
- Procrastinating

Did you suffer illness or injury?
- Mostly coughs & colds, but nothing serious

What was the best thing you bought?
- My camera and my laptop

Whose behavior merited celebration?
- I'd like to say mine, but I'd like to add Nuks to that too :)

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
- Mine as well, I guess

Where did most of your money go?
- Household expenses, food. Not so much on books, unfortunately :p

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
- travelling, getting a laptop

What song(s) will always remind you of 2008?
- Anything by the Klaxons, I guess

Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? -- happier
ii. thinner or fatter? -- thinner daw, said most people
iii. richer or poorer? -- Richer, and not financially (no change in any of the answers either hehe)

What do you wish you'd done more?
- Exercise, draw, travelled more, worked harder, saved more and worried less

What do you wish you'd done less of?
- Procrastinated, worried and became jealous of things I shouldn't

How many one-night stands?
- Nada.

What was your favorite TV program?
- I got into the Mythbusters, Nigella Express and Hannah Montana haha. Not to mention Pocoyo and Phineas and Ferb :D

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
- Not really

What was the best book you read?
- Neil Gaiman's "The Graveyard Book"

What was your greatest musical discovery?
- The Klaxons, Guillemots and The Kooks

What did you want and get?
- Camera & a Macbook :D

What was your favorite film of this year?
- I can't think of anything that was spectacular, but I enjoyed "Iron Man" and "Burn After Reading" (you figure out why haha)

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
- I turned 27 this year. I was at work, the boss bought some food and I was the last person to go home because of my shift :P

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
- If *toot* would tell me he feels the same way :p

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
- I wore less baggy shirts hehe

What kept you sane?
- Plurk hahaha

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
- Neil Gaiman

What political issue stirred you the most?
- Same as before: I hate corrupt politicians and I wish they'd all go away

Who did you miss?
- My friends who I didn't see for a long time

Who was the best new person you met?
- Well, not really a new person but I got to know a few friends more.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
- Treasure each day. Treasure those whom you love. Don't procrastinate.

What was the nicest thing someone told you about yourself:
- ...

The most touching experience you've had this year?
- Spending time with my sister

What did you like most about yourself this year?
- I tried to be more outgoing and not caring about social status

What did you hate most about yourself this year?
- I still procrastinated

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
- Juice's "Best Days" is still the one that fits my year the most (yep yep!)

Was 2008 a good year for you?
- I'd say yes

What was your favorite moment of the year?
- Movie tripping, getting my camera & my Macbook, going to Sagada, GOING BACK TO BAGUIO!!!

What was your least favorite moment of the year?
- The moments when I felt insecure & jealous of things I shouldn't be

Where were you when 2008 began?
- In Marikina

Who were you with?
- My parents & my siblings, my mom's siblings & my cousin.

Where will you be when 2008 ends?
- In Candelaria

Who will you be with when 2008 ends?
- Parents, siblings, Lolo Sal

Do you have a new years resolution for 2009?
- Not really, more like try to change my bad habits :p

What was your favorite month of 2008?
- No specific one actually

Did you lose anybody close to you in 2008?
- He wasn't close but he's an uncle

Did you miss anybody in the past year?
- Oddly enough, my two best friends

What was your favorite record from 2008?
- I enjoyed listening to the Klaxons & the Guillemots :D

How many concerts did you see in 2008?
- Just one: Michael Johns!

Did you drink a lot of alchohol in 2008?
- A couple of sips of beer & wine

Do a lot of drugs in 2008?
- Antibiotics, paracetamol and painkillers only (same as last year's!)

You do anything you are ashamed of this year?
- Doing quick and harsh judegements, speaking out my mind when I shouldn't have (ditto) and not putting my weight on things that I should've

How much money did you spend in 2008?
- Enough to cringe ahahaha

What was your proudest moment of 2008?
- Winning a few book raffles, getting my passport hehe

What was your most embarrassing moment of 2008?
- *thinks*

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2008 and change something, what would it be?
- Spend more time with family, spend less money on superficial things, admitted to *toot* my true feelings earlier on

What are your plans for 2009?
- Be a better person, procrastinate less, do more of everything! ---> same as last year pa rin hehe

How are you different now that the year has ended?
- I think I've matured a bit. I think, ok?

What are your wishes for the new year?
- Good health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind for myself & everyone I care for. And more time with my friends, family and *toot* hehe.

-------- SURVEY II ---------

Where did you begin 2008?
- Cheering along the street in Marikina

What was your status by Valentine's day of 2008?
- Single

Did you have to go to the hospital?
- Yeah, to accompany Lolo for a check-up

Did you have any encounters with the police?
- La naman

Where did you go on vacation?
- Candelaria, Sagada, Baguio

What did you purchase over $500?
- My Macbook!

Did you know anybody who got married?
- Yep

Did you know anybody who passed away?
- My uncle (Papa's cousin)

What sporting events did you attend?
- Errr... wala hehe

What concerts/shows did you go to?
- Michael Johns

Where do you live now?
- In my parents' condo

Describe your birthday.
- Regular workday

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did?
- Get laid haha, get a scholarship, go abroad

Any new additions to your family?
- None sa immediate

What was your best month?
- Hmm... September, I think

Who was your best drinking buddy?
- Wala. I don't drink

Made new friends?
- Yep

Any regrets?
- Only for a bit but I've moved on

What do you want to change in 2009?
- My love life, my career, and my finances hehe

Overall, how would you rate this year?
- Pretty good

Have any life changes in 2008?
- Nothing major

Get a new job?
- No, but I did a part time job that earned me nearly $200

How old did you turn this year?
- Vente siete

Did anything embarrassing?
- A bit haha

Get married or divorced?
- I have to do the former first haha

Be honest - did you watch American Idol?
- Of course. Go David Cook!

Start a new hobby?
- Uhm, not really

Are you happy to see 2008 go?
- I never really thought about it

Drank Starbucks in 2008?
- A grand total of two times, I think hehe

Been naughty or nice?
- A bit of both

What are you wishing for in 2009?
- Earn a bit more, get a more stable job, kiss *bleep* and get a love life haha, get a DSLR and learn more about photography

Lost someone?
- Hmm... not really

Cut class?
- Even if I were in school, I probably wouldn't do it

Was involved in something you'll never forget?
- Yep

Visited a different country?
- Nope

Cooked a gross meal?
- Ate one

Lost something important to you?
- *thinks* I don't think so

Got a gift you adore?
- Yep!

Tripped over a coffee table?
- We don't really have a coffee table :P

Dyed your hair?
- Nope, but I got it rebonded :p

Came close to losing your life?
- I think there were fair instances

Went to a party?
- Yep

Read a great book?
- Oh yes! And it's not Twilight! Wahaha. Neil Gaiman for the win!

Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
- Yep


Did you meet any new friends this year?
- Yes

Did you dislike anyone?
- Not really

Did you grow apart from anyone?
- Maybe a nit

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
- None at all


Did you have a cake?
- Yes

Did you get any presents?
- Nope


Did you change at all this year?
- My hair hehe

Did you change your style?
- Not really. Still the same shirts & jeans but less baggy

Were you in school?
- Thinking about it

Did you have a job?
- Yep

Did you drive?
- Nope

Did anyone close to you give birth?
- A few friends did

Did you go on any vacations?
- Yep

Would you change anything about yourself now?
- Get rid of the extra flab :p

2008: WRAP UP

Was 2008 a good year?
- I'd say, 80%

Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
- There's a huge chance in that

(x) stayed single for the whole year
( ) kissed in the snow
() celebrated Halloween
(x) had your heart broken
( ) mooned someone
() went over the minutes on your cell phone (pwede ba Skype nalang? Hehe)
( ) came out of the closet
( ) gotten someone pregnant
( ) had an abortion
() done something you've regretted
(x) painted a picture (digital pictures count?)
(x) wrote a poem
() ran a mile
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch
( ) posted a blog on MySpace
( ) visited a foreign country
( ) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren't
(x) partied to celebrate the new year
( ) cooked a disastrous meal
( ) lied about how old you were
( ) prank called someone

IN 2008 I...
[x] broke a promise
[] fell out of love
[x] lied
[x] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[] forgot your new years resolution
[] met someone who changed your life
[x] met one of your idols
[x] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[ ] left the country
[] given up on something/someone important to you
[] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[x] met great people
[] stayed up ‘til sunrise
[x] cried over the silliest thing
[x] had friends who were drifting away from you
[] had a high cellphone bill
[x] spent most of your money on food
[ ] had a fist fight
[x] went to the beach with your best friend(s)
[x] gotten sick
[ ] liked more than 5 people at the same time
[x] became closer with a lot of people

my life, me, thoughts, new year, survey, the past

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