(no subject)

Jan 27, 2008 21:51

In-laws keep making up stories and tales about me and passing them along. The things they made up put TV writers to shame. This time, my husband confronted them and they plainly denied they've ever said anything bad about me. Even in front of my face. I shouldn't say "even", because it's a given. They're never brave enough for confrontation, only good at stabbing you right on your back. It was the biggest mistake in my life to get married, not because of my husband, but his parents. My life would literally have changed completely had I gone to a different direction. But as of now, I chose my path, due to ignorance, and will pay the price. At least I've come to the conclusion that, whatever they're doing to me, it's not personal. Because, no matter whoever's in my shoe, my role as their son's wife, the poor girl will be stabbed. Plain and simple. Even if I looked like Angelina Jolie with the grace of Audrey Hepburn, they'd still badmouth me. Lesson here? If you don't like your in-laws, don't get married, I don't care if the other person's the man/woman of your dream. 
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