yeah mmmhmmm

Jul 25, 2005 01:54

so right now i'm sitting here, just typing away in my live journal. i have nothing to do and i'm bored, but then again it is 1:55 and i could be sleeping. but for once i don' feel like brushing my teeth. i will because it is jus gross to now brush your teeth.

these past weeks have been great. drama camp was once again awesome. more new friendships than old. it was a smaller group, but i got closer with more old and new people. and of course i see him, yes, gary. hahaha kim i've had bad experiances with gary's, how many? 1. hahaha. but yeah it was pretty funny how VaNesa was telling me "sabel gary is looking at you" "hahaha that's great, what a fag." footloose, was of course awesome, and i still have all the songs stuck in my head, if anyone mentions anything i can immeadiately go into singing, this should last for a couple of more weeks. "hot fuckers" that's the show we're doing next year, of course you don't get it unless you came to breakdown. denny's was awesome, and willy wonka was pretty sweet too, hahaha play on words. i went and saw john mellencamp with rachel and others, which was pretty good, i bought a 35.00 shirt. expensive i know.

tennis is going pretty well. i know pretty much everything, now is just down to working on my form. i want this racket its lime green and is called the beast. even if i don't get tat racket i'm naming my racket the beast.

and yes there is a guy on my mind. i don't know if it'll ever lead into anything more. plus i wouldn't want to persue anthing because i might lose a friendship.
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