Self Serving Experience

Apr 11, 2008 00:07

Inside the minds eye of self loathing. Bottled in the next generation of cola. A war unseen becomes unheard and thus challenged. Linger beyond your own idea. The brand of truth you are peddling holds no water here. Awake to find you are once again right to be wrong.

Dance modest child. Find pleasure in the complex things. For simple ambitions lead to simple downfall. To surrender is a choice, wise or not matters to whom? Maybe if you read your hand book upon creation. Sorry-It would appear the factory was on strike that day.

From within your own, laughter reminds you of love. Warmth generates the fire in your eyes. Let it out. Passion erupts like a volcano- molten, fiery, dark, deep, dangerous passion. Erupting.

However just a concept not yet entertained. Realized only as a glimpse into the white light. Parting the darkness back. Is it a door? Is it a window? Any form of portal? The light in our souls flickers as we be. Moving through life never seeing it, only feeling it. Wondering if they see it. Understand it. Understand you. Do you even understand you?

Let me see it through you. Your perception. Your conception. How is your personal world assembled? Are you living in a painted canvas? Does your world float? Is there a fog over your eyes or a ray of pure light? Are you crazy? If so how crazy? I mean we are all a little crazy, right? Right?

Wake up now. Slowly. Too fast and you will never understand. Wipe the film from your body. Breath in the new day. Prepare for the next experience. Brace yourself for the gauntlet. Walk the land you were given with caution. With pride like a lion and with the understanding of god. Walk with a smile. A beautiful full smile. One that will fight the darkness. Fight the darkness.
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