Another reason why this host family WINS

Dec 17, 2008 22:07

There is totally a restaraunt/cook/something of that nature on the floor above my current residence, so when they have extra food apparently we get it. Tonight we got sashimi and cold red bean soup (which is the most delicious sweet thing on the planet I don't CARE if it doesn't sound like it!).

Also, I started watching the last season of YYH which I totally skipped. After reviewing the last episodes of the Sensui arc. Can anyone say "Shameless Itsuki Fangirl?" I think I'm becoming one. I love him almost as much as Kurama. I've also been inspired to write fanfiction again, which hasn't happened since I stopped watching this show. Oh Yu Yu, what you do to me. : P

Lastly, we got dumped on with MOAR ICKY LAST MINUTE RESPONSABILITIES by Rotary. I officially hate District 3480 right now. Really, if they told us this stuff a few weeks in advance maybe things would go a bit smoother. Also, learn to buy some plain cheese pizza next time you serve lunch. Not everyone likes weird ass toppings ruining their mealtime.

OH! Really lastly this time! I got korinniimura and ria_chan's christmas cards in the mail! Both made me really happy and RIA YOU ARE OFFICIALLY MY ACE ATTORNEY CHRISTMAS ANGEL. Just thought you should know. <3

Edit: Just watched this and my night has been made:
YYH The Movie- Abridged. It was bad to begin with, and seeing it parodied makes it all the more hilarious. XD

friends, food, rotary, host families, yu yu haksuho

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