Nov 14, 2007 18:22
So now all the denver days are blendy and whatever. So basically day 3 was another gaming day. We played more perfect dark...YAH. Then previously mentioned blue ray gun invisible women came and killed us over and over and over again. Then during a pee break the xbox 360 froze. We were on the last or second last part of that mission, so it totally sucked cause it meant we had to start the mission over just to get back to where the blue ray invisible women could kill us again. sigh. We tried Rainbow 6, then, but as opposed to it taking 15 or more bullets to wound, two bullets kill. So we sucked at rainbow 6. So we decided to take a walk. For exercise and sunlight. And to buy more games to play.
At gamestop there was the caffeine addict and the tired person who had obviously had to put up with the caffeine addict all day (he was sitting with his head in his hands for a long time). So we pestered both of them to tell us what good xbox 360 multiplayer games were. We had to re-explain a few times as they tried to give us single player. And also tell caffeine addict we weren't going to buy a playstation 3. Sheesh. From about 5 multiplayer games we chose marvel and lego starwars trilogy. Marvel encouraged infighting since coins picked up went strictly to that player's characters. Legos, however, pools all the coins together. However, both are set up so that players share the same screen, instead of split screen, so if one player heads one way and the other heads another, both get stuck and nothing happens. Even though we've been playing coop for months now, all three of us learned that we play coop by walking off and doing our own thing until everything is dead, finished, etc. then moving on together. When sharing a screen coop becomes a lot more coop. Like running while handcuffed to your buddy.
Sometimes this caused aggravation. Sometimes caused giggles. By then we had cupcakes. yum.
Possibly that day, or the next, Keirren (spelling?) came to eat pizza and get drunk with us. Led to strange conversations about screwed up relationships which I don't want to listen to again. but beer helped.
Next day everyone had to go to work so I had to entertain myself. Lego entertainment, some Angel season 5. Then Carolyn brought me a book from work by K.J. Parker that I'm still reading cause I got distracted by this funny dragon series I found.
Then sometime after that was Ryan's B-day. Carolyn was tired and ryan wasn't (total 100% reversal from last few days.) We went to mexican. Food was okay, not up to par with ultra awesome mexican. But haven't had ultra-awesome mexican lately so suck. Margarita was yum. Happy birthday to Ryan. Here were Ryan's presents: Feist album, silly DVD with puppets, Tony hawk project 8 game, see-through picture frame, and kierran gave him some sort of musical instrument thing that I can't rememeber if I know how to spell. ooo. i just remembered i haven't eaten dinner. no wonder i so scatter-brained.
Anyway, to condense: gaming, drinking, food eating, long talks, more gaming, chocolate eating, found some good cheddar cheese in the fridge...YUM. and maple beer. double yum. and sleeping and talking and free bus and walks and drives and books and more boos and yum.
I give this vacation a 7 out of 10. These people now how to get and keep you drunk on good tasting alcoholic beverages, while also making sure you eat plenty and don't pass out. If you plan a ryan/carolyn vacation just make sure ryan's job isn't going to suck him up for the week. (although actually there is no way to check for this.) All in all, a good way to spend time in denver.