Nov 20, 2004 19:52
its been a lil bit since my last entry. im sure you guys didnt miss me. :) but theres a lot thats been going on. bryons come over about once a week. i was trying to get him to come to the game last night but he was already in ocala when i got a hold of him. state last weekend kinda sucked. my last state and we end up getting 2nd, and finals was canceled due to rain and flood, and on top of that we never got to do our senior get together thing. oh well. im kinda feelin lonely right now and im really bored. i was invited to go bowling with krystals friends and i dont really want to go but i cant stay home alone. so yeah. idk. idk whats going on with nate. for the past couple of days ots been really weird or "awkward." i think we may just stop talking for a while. its up to him. i havent talked to him in about 2 days now. so i think hes mad at me. i was being a total bitch last night at the game. someone told me he was sick of my crap. i didnt know what they were talkng about so i was gonna give him crap to be sick of. but i dont feel like typin nemore so i guess ill ttyl. if bryon comes over which i doubt he will then ill type more later. but ill probly end up going bowlin neway. so bye.