Jan 17, 2006 17:23
okiiz so today I could be a litlle busy but w/e... I've done half of my homework and PROUD!
Things have been ok and I loved the fact that I got to be lazy during this 3 day weekend and not to mention the fact that Im sooo looking forward to this early release!
Subject selection is comming up and Im trying to figure out whcih classes I will take next year. So far I have:
AP English, Pre-calculus Honors, AP American History, and American Sign Language 2.
I MUST have all of the above and AP biology... I dont knoe if im gonna take Marine science honors next year or Philsophy/World Religions Honors next year. If we have 8 classes, then I hope I can also take CommonLaw studies or weight training.. I need sumthing to keep me inshape.
So yea... tomorrow I probably have to the run the freaking mile and I hope I can do it under 9 minutes! I think i can... I'm pretty sure. I need to get back in shape man! I run sooo slow! I need to get fast!
OoOo.. Ive found soo many old friends on myspace! lol.. I took the libert of finding them during tis break and I found Jason and Nadia! OMG she's bi now! wow... I kind of expected it anyways tho.
yea so I have a major test tommorw for english so wish me luck!