Dec 03, 2011 22:39
Hello December. I have really let time fly by haven't? I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, it's been rather hectic to an extent. I've also been very reflective as of late, finding myself thinking I still hurt from things long past.
But that's another story, one I don't really want to get in to right now. I just wanted to give an update that I might actually be going to school. I will see where it goes, but I am thinking about getting into cosmetology. Hair just sounds fun to work with and it's completely hands on. We'll see.
I'm trying to get into roleplaying again. It's nice but at the same time I feel like I am floundering at it. I feel like I have been out of it for so long that I am completely out of practice. The same goes for my writing (and it's a good thing I don't draw. It'd be hitting lows all over the place then). But I am going to keep my fingers crossed I do better this month. If I do I'll likely end up applying for a second character (either Liara or Claire, I'm unsure yet. I will probably end up playing both in the end along side of Kal.)
If I don't I'll likely drop in January despite the fact I love the cast and the game setting itself.
I don't quite have anything else to say. Just that I hope everyone is doing well and I'm still reading everything I see on livejournal I've just been awful at updating myself.