Jan 29, 2011 07:08
I don't think I have been more offended over something in quite a long time. Perhaps it's just my view on life but I'm rather offended.
I feel like I have been complaining a lot about roleplay without seeming to do anything and I feel silly about that. Nothing is going to change or more forward unless I do something. I apologise if I come off as if I am whining too much.
Good news though! I have picked up more hours at Gamestop and working has become enjoyable again. I was worried because of how little I was getting, but with this? It's fantastic news. Not only that I was sent a letter to return to work for the Rays again and I am going to take it. After that I am going to finish my application with Starbucks and hope for the best. I'm hoping to at least establish myself in one of these companies and working forward.
If all else, it's a start. I was talking to Wise recently and I'm hoping to give him some assistance and start using my Japanese again.
Who knows! I'm looking forward. It's lie the future is a lot brighter suddenly.
Also I am going to try and get my hair done next week. My roots are so bad that I desperately need to get it done.
♥ I hope you all slept well and have a great day today!