one of those rare RL posts

Aug 18, 2014 11:51

And it's not a particularly happy one, although it will hopefully be okay in the end.

In a nutshell, we adopted an adorable kitten about a month ago. He fit into the family almost immediately, but what we didn't realize is that the stress of the little menace new family member caused a flare up of a condition we didn't know existed in both of the adult cats: Feline Herpes.

Where people exposed to Herpes will (usually) develop cold sores, cats can develop ulcers in the eyes. This is what happened to my poor Bertie. For all that I did to make it better, to make it heal, it was too little, too late. His eye ruptured Friday afternoon, and he goes in for surgery to remove it tomorrow morning. On the one hand, OMG HE LOST HIS EYE D:, but on the other hand, he's still alive and actually on the mend. If he gets through his surgery tomorrow - anesthesia is tricky in small animals - then he should be okay.

So. If you want to read the original posts on Tumblr (where I do most of my posting these days), you can read them here, here, and here.

pets, personal

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