writing, day 28

Aug 24, 2012 09:33

23 August: Words written toward my daily goal:

23 August: Words written for the actual anticipated word count of my het_bigbang fic:

Last two chapters in progress; new endgame plotted; prologue and first four chapters written, betaed, and edited (although there may still be more editing involved based on the final form of these last two chapters). And you'll note that my goal has dropped back to 50k again. This is because I'm taking deathmallow's very sage advice and cutting my original plan in half, thus the new endgame. Yes, this means I'm going to be writing two sequels to two rather large Hunger Games fics over the next year or so, but I'm okay with that. :)

I was on the verge of panic this morning, even as a new scene played out in my head on the way into work, but then I saw red_b_rackham's lovely commiseration and encouragement post at het_banghelp followed by the mod post at het_bigbang reminding us that editing and even addition of new chapters can continue until August 31, since the challenge is hosted on AO3, so I'm feeling a little better now.


writing is hard yo!, writing

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