DW 6.02 - Day of the Moon

May 02, 2011 14:55


I think I may have to go back to watching Doctor Who in one fell swoop, rather than watching each episode as it airs 24 hours after it airs. My sanity will thank me.

Who am I kidding? I can’t not watch it as soon as I possibly can.

How the frak is River F*ing Song so awesome? The flirting! The ass kicking! The spinning around and nailing ALL THE SILENCE and then firing over her shoulder to take out that one last one without even looking!

I’m still not buying the “back to front” living of hers and the Doctor’s lives. Nope. Too simplistic. There’s totally a bit if time wiggle in there, no matter what Moffat claims via script.

The Silence is the creepiest baddie ever, surpassing even the gas mask looking thing in the Empty Child. And the Stone Angels. *shivers*

So the kid. Somehow the Doctor’s, given the fact that she was dying and then started to regenerate? fahrbotdrusilla has a pretty cool theory that both Amy and River were pregnant, that the nausea they experienced was a symptom, but that they were pregnant with the same child, sharing the pregnancy, and that it’s the Doctor’s and was “in flux.”

Rory and the Doctor talking. Only kinda not. 'Cause they were both there when Rome fell. Oh, Rory! He waited for her for two thousand frakking YEARS! That sort of thing has an effect on a girl. So, why oh why do they keep having to play the does-amy-love-rory-or-the-doctor card? Why? It's making me not trust the show! *sob*

The whole reason Nixon was caught up in Watergate was the Doctor! :P

There was so much in this ep that I loved, just like in the last one, but I’m still a little worried about where it’s all going to go. I don’t want to be worried. I don’t want to be a little afraid that, in the end, all the awesome and potential and promise was just a pipe dream and everything is really controlled by a bunch of white guys on a grassy knoll and nearly all the women end up fridged in some way.

ETA: Argh! I keep forgetting things! Oh, wait...

river f*ing song, doctor who

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