Title: The Crowded Hour
Song: How the West Was Won
Artist: Tom McRae
Focus: the adventures of the Doctor, River, Amy, and Rory
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right click and save as - 65.5 mb wmv fileBeta thanks to:
jebbypal and
lee_in_limboVidder's notes: I started this for
beccatoria's birthday, but then got interrupted by RL. I finally finished it and forced myself to stop tweaking it
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Omgs! I love it THISSSSS MUCH! And possibly a little more too. <3
Really, first off, ILU SO MUCH for putting loads of River in, including the Library episodes, which I have decided are obviously the Honourary Season Five Prequels. ;)
But beyond that, it's so all encompassing, so quiet-epic, the way the series, culminating in the finale was quiet-epic. Van Gogh's section about using up people and saying goodbye was really effective, as was the section with Rory's death - where the hell's the crowded hour? The scattered promises, the early stuff with Liz X - so many moments! Oh, oh, and how could I forget, something broken, and not knowing if I want it healed; again, perfect!
The whole end section from Amy on the future not being that clear through to the end, though, is pure joy. I love where you left it too. the focus on the sense of the fairytale storyteller elements of the whole thing. Suddenly it makes it clear what the vid even is, I mean, aside from an awesome birthday present. Just the whole thing - the Doctor there, telling little Amy the story of how they won the West. <3
Thanks so much for this. I HEART IT VERY MUCH.
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