(no subject)

Aug 08, 2010 20:22

Title: Nobody's Perfect
Rating: PG
Word count: 208
Beta: none
Character: Lettie Mae Thornton
Spoilers: none that I can think of
Warnings: again, none that I can think of
Author's note: Written for challenge 1 of phase 1 of trueblood_las: Make your least favorite character likeable. It actually got a vote for best story, which surprises me, especially considering how awesome was the one that won the round (hopefully, the author of that one will post it somewhere so I can recommend it to everyone). ETA: They did! He's the Whipped Cream on My Daiquiri by ladyofspring. :D


Lettie Mae knew her little girl would never understand her; there was no way that she could. Tara never had to live through the things Lettie Mae had. Even though it may not have seemed so to Tara at the time, her mama had shielded her from every bad thing she could. And those bad things that slipped through and hurt her baby girl anyway? Those things were of the devil and outside Lettie Mae’s control.

Oh, Lettie Mae knew what everyone thought of her, especially folk like those high and mighty Stackhouses, but one thing she had known since she was a little child herself was that a mother’s primary purpose in life was to protect her young. Maybe she hadn’t always done well by Tara, but she’d done the best she could. No one could do better than their best. There had only ever been one perfect being in all creation, and look what humanity had done to Him.

Kneeling, Lettie Mae wrapped the thread-strung beads round her hands, felt the coolness of their smooth wooden surfaces grow warmer as they drew in the heat from her skin. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and began to pray for her little girl’s immortal soul.

my true blood fic, challenge responses

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