surfacing for five minutes or so...

Apr 17, 2010 23:20

Hi, guys! *waves*

Thank you all for the birthday wishes - I'll actually respond individually in a few days, but I didn't want you to think I'm ignoring you. The husband has about 4 more days left before he has to go back *sniffle* and then I'll be back online again. There have been parties and movies and baseball games and sunburns and potatoes planted and funerals and man! I am almost ready to go back to work. Almost. Oy.

Also, can anyone beta a Gaeta-Dee fic for me? I have two more scenes to write, so I will (I hope) have it done sometime tomorrow. It should end up around 2,000 words...

beta requests, oif, gleeful things, fic, awesome things, writing

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