a couple of seemingly random fic recs...

Apr 02, 2010 22:02

These two fics have two things in common: they're based on two of Tahmoh Penikett's characters and they're both written by mamaboolj.

I'm reccing them tonight because rebelliousrose "nominated" her as part of the fic meme I posted a couple of days ago, but since she didn't comment on the meme herself, I figured this way she might see them. ;)

I really couldn't decide between Desperation and Underdog! as to which one is my favorite fic of Mama's. They're so very, VERY different, and Desperation isn't even a fandom I know, although I know the characters by osmosis from Mama, but I love them both. They're both very real. Underdog! is such a light-hearted, fun fic and Desperation is anything but. I'm a sucker for well-written backstory (Desperation) and even more so when that backstory is narratively part of the story being told (Underdog!). Underdog! was written as a Father's Day fic challenge at the old Kindreds website and it's adorable and a little painful Helo and Hera Agathon. Desperation is a Whistler fic with death and loss and addiction and the awful things they can put you through.

If anyone happens to read them after reading this, read Desperation first, 'cause you'll need a pick me up once you're through. ;)

friends, fic recs

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