this is too little and specific to the icon to really be RPF, right?

Nov 26, 2008 16:59

This (for zhailei) is my last icon "drabble"! \o/ I can cross something else off my list! \o/

Grace twirled around and around, bouncing and skipping and goofing while Tahmoh laughed and played along, as he always did. The camera guy could barely keep up with her and finally backed off, gave her some room. Taking a better grip on his coffee, Tahmoh did a little shuffle of his own and she had to laugh. For all his martial arts training and sheer physicality, Tahmoh really couldn’t dance for crap. As though he read her mind, he threw her a sheepish grin and tried to cover up his blooming embarrassment (shifty glances toward the guys from the Space Channel with their camera and their microphones) by taking a long drink of his coffee.


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