not quite a GIP... :D

Jun 17, 2008 13:12

-- So... Are any of you waiting on a beta from me? I have this niggling feeling that I've forgotten something. If so, I am so sorry. Just let me know if you sent me something but you haven't heard back from me and I'll take care of it for you this afternoon/evening.

-- I've actually managed (FINALLY!) to block out the second bsg_hiatusthon remix fic. \o/ 436 words at the moment, so probably 3 to 4 times that once it's fleshed out. :)

-- Would it be completely insane of me to take a song over to pyramidofdreams or starbuck_anders and work with the comms to make a Kara/Sam vid? Vid by committee... :P

fic, remix, boredom, vid ideas

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