grab bag fly by

Nov 20, 2007 14:20

*-BSG con was awesome, at least as far as being a fangirl is concerned

*-greycoupon, lyssie, mamaboolj, lizardbeth_j, lucyparavel, and Mrs Mayor of Dogsville (from Kindreds) are made of win

*-Creation Entertainment... not so much with the awesome (two minutes per table? WTF? No, seriously, WTF?)


*-Managed to write 2,000+ words on the NaNoFicOfDoom while I was gone

total so far^^

*-Got to show my support of the WGA strike in a more tangible way than just saying "I support the writers" -- we walked the picket line

*-Jane Espenson, Bradley Thompson, and skiffy's Mexichick are also made of win

*-Allowed Michael Angeli to continue remain alive and unharmed

*-Saw Beowulf with greycoupon (pretty cool flick)

*-Received $100 gift certificate from Creation for Girl Next Door \o/

That's all for now. Hopefully, I'll be able to post something more substantive tomorrow.

nanowrimo, fandom, bsg

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