I think I may have broken my hand...

Jul 12, 2007 15:26

The knuckles of my right hand are all owie and swollen and purple/brown. I was joking with my husband that it looks like I got in a bar fight. :P There's kind of a dull ache when I type or otherwise move, but the only time it really hurts is when there's pressure on the bruised part. Which, of course, could be because there's a bruise there. :P But there's also this white spot in the middle of the bruise and kind of a weird lump underneath... I don't particularly want to get it looked at by a medical professional, because if it is broken (just the little bones in the knuckles, not so much the fingers), then it'll be all taped up and I won't be able to use it so well. If I don't get it looked at, though, I don't know. It might become more serious?

In case you're wondering, we were moving a lot of trees and mulch and shrubs over the weekend and I slipped and whacked my hand pretty hard on the pick-up truck. O_o

And now, I must decide whether to work on:

a) my Dean/Layla SPN pseudo-pr0n
b) deciding what clips to rip for the SPN Dean vid I'm working on
c) the Helo/Sharon angst fic for Kindreds
d) the Heroes Big Boom fic that I've barely touched
e) the Farscape kazathon fic that I've not yet started
g) *coughhackwheezespit* work

I'm so lame.
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