A scene From My New Story #1

Feb 16, 2013 21:40

Hello everyone :) I'm writing a story, I began a while ago but I haven't finished any chapter yet, I'm writing random scenes, anything that comes to my mind I type it & save it. That's why I'll post random pieces so I can know your opinion about my writing technique (I'm Arabic but I write in English) That's why I need some feedback regarding writing, spelling, or anything related to story writing.

I haven't choose a name for the story, yet. It sets in the middle 90s, I haven't specify the country, but it's a country under invasion. It talks about a wealthy young man who practically lives two different lives: The rich boy life & the resistant life, and how the conflicting between those lives effect on him & the people around him.

The following scene sets in a restaurant, where he meets a woman who is actually an officer in the "enemy" army after he agreed on seeing her for discussion regarding his & his father business.

I appreciate the feedback :)


I arrive to the restaurant twenty minutes earlier than the specified time, I stop in front of the main door, several people are there, some of them entering, some of them waiting their cars to be retrieved from the parking lot and some of them only chatting and snickering. I step out of the car, a waiter makes his way hastily toward me, wearing his most genuine smile, I throw the keys for him and he catches it in mid-air.

-"Find a good place for her" I point to him, and the car, of course.

-"As you wish, sir" he answers and gets in the car, taking it to the rare parking lot.

When I enter the restaurant, I notice that it's almost fully occupied, that's odd! These types of meetings are usually secret, why would she choose a place like this, in a time like this, for a private discussion meeting?

Private discussion! What type of 'Private' is she up to? Ignoring the curious gazes around me I head to the reception desk where a young woman in a black 'girly' suit was standing behind it talking on the phone, I lean against the desk, tapping my fingers on it, which startled her, oops!

-"Oh!" she exclaims while hanging up the phone clumsily "I'm sorry! How can I help you?" she asks with evident flustering.

-"Table for two" I answer her "The name is Gordon".

She fumbles on her notebook for a second.

-"Yes. Welcome Mr. Gordon" she says ardently "your table is ready. Harry, please show Mr. Gordon his table" she indicates one of the waiters.

-"Follow me, please, sir, Table 13 is ready for you." says the over-polite waiter, he has such a stony face! And table 13? Hmm, not my lucky number.

Table 13 lays in the most discreet spot of the restaurant, close to the corner where several potted plants were distributed in a weird fashion making a good shield from the 'snooping' eyes, a good place for a private discussion. After settling myself, the stone-faced waiter asked me if I want a drink.

-"Coffee" I answer him automatically "Black coffee, please, with one sugar cube" Since it's not an appropriate time for getting drunk, and Hot Chocolate is too soothing for such a case. After the waiter had left, I take a minute to examine the surroundings. Too full for this time, almost all the waiters there were humming over the tables like working bees, most of the restaurant occupiers were unfamiliar to me, except a pair of old men with suits were sitting on the table to my right, Mr. Hodges & Mr. Blake, a.k.a Heckle & Jeckle. I recognize them from the charity party me and father attended a month ago, they seem too busy with chatting but when they catch my eyes they both nod their greeting, I answer them with another nod, to the left of them there's a table with three women, one of them looks familiar, where did I see her? She has a smooth, dark hair and a nice smile, and she wears glasses, when she caught my gaze she whispered something to the second one, who looks very much like her, her sister, maybe? Who in return whispered to the other woman, a blonde one, with a strange haircut, she looks slightly older than them, and the trio stared shamelessly at me. Yup! Sometimes I have that influence on women. I greet them with a smirk, and I can hear their giggles from my place. My coffee arrived, I pull the steamy cup closer and take a sip. A glance to my watch tells me that it's time; she'll be here at any moment.

I look instinctively toward the front door, and there she is, all five feet six inches height and the most 'plastic' smile I've ever seen, she stopped for a moment by the reception desk and talked to the confused young receptionist who pointed out toward my table, when she finally saw me her plastic smile grew wider.

Showtime, J.

Unneglected to my manners, I stand up to greet her, enjoying myself for seconds by checking her, she looks very different than the last time I saw her, she's not wearing that shapeless uniform, but a short purple dress that looks a little bit 'over' for such a meeting, unless she has another ideas, with matching high heel shoes and a small glittering bag, I think she’s planning for supper, too. Her hair isn't bound this time, she has a curly, blonde hair that hangs freely over her breasts, she has curves in all the right places, and thanks to the dress, it's all visible, and with her blazing blue eyes and full over-painted lips she resembles a walking doll whom any man would desire. Maybe, but I'm not any man.

-"Mr. Gordon" she greets, extending her hand.

-"Joseph, please" I say with a clipped smile "Mr. Gordon sounds too formal".

-"Oh! Joseph then" she says with a flicker in her eyes, after kissing her hand awkwardly, and a successful attempt to withdraw my hand from hers, I turn to pull a chair for her.

-"Such a gentleman!" she states with a wicked smile.

Gentleman, at any rate! I answer her with another clipped smile and return to my seat, facing her.

-“It’s always good to see you again” She says.

Not for me. My mind began to churn, I take a deep breath.

-"So, Lieutenant Mills, what would you like to…"

I got interrupted by her hearty, witch-like, laughter.

-"Please!" she exclaims between giggles "Do you see me with military outfit and all yes-sir-no-sir thing? Lieutenant Mills is only there, in the dungeons".


-"You call your military base a dungeon?" I ask, surprised. Well, that's somehow accurate, considering what they doing there!

-"I like this!" she declares with a girly, high-pitched voice, I couldn't conceal my grin, "Besides, you can call me Carina" she continues with a whispered, lusty, voice, leaning a bit on the table, That’s not good.

-"I prefer Miss Mills" I answer, mimicking her action.

-"Well, you want it official don't you? As you like" she says, rather infuriated, good!

-"What would you like to drink, Miss Mills?"

-"Something refreshing, it's getting hot in here, isn't it?" she asks, puffing, and if I wasn't in the serious mood, I'd take this inquiry as a whole different signal.

I lean back in my chair and turn my head searching for a waiter, one of them catches my eyes, I gesture to him, when he approaches us I notice that he got hypnotized immediately by her. Frustrated teenager! I clear my throat to get his attention.

-"One Orange juice please and…"

-"And I want it cold, ice cold, I'll need that" she interrupts again, not moving her piercing eyes from me, ice cold, eh? It seems that I'm the one who will need the ice cold juice after all. I'm a bit stunned by her instant mood changes.

-"As the lady said, and another coffee for me" I do need the caffeine right now!

The waiter just stood there for a second, jaw-dropped, I nudge him in the arm with my finger, saving him from his miserable situation, he nods frantically, pulls my cup and retreats, hitting a chair in his way.

I return to look at my companion, who fixes me with a cold stare, what is she thinking of?

-"So" I start "I thought you'd have this meeting with my father too, in the office".

-"I did wanted to, but I'm tired of offices meetings, and I figured that reaching you is a lot easier than reaching Mr. Gordon, isn't it?" she asks, amused.

-"Well, um… not every time" Was my disorganized reply.

-"Is that so?" She remains silent for a blink "Are you hard to get, Joseph?" she asks, emphasizing my name, leaning back in her chair "I bet you are" She answers herself, with an evil smile, I'm bewildered. Damn! She's affecting me! I must get a hold of myself.

-"I thought Mr. Wachter will be with you" I try to change the subject.

-"He's busy, he always is" she answers, rather exasperated "but he said he will share a chess game with Mr. Gordon next week, maybe you'll be there too".

Not for all the tea in China!

-"Brain games are not my thing, Miss Mills".

-"Oh! Then what's your thing, Joseph?" She probes, licking her scarlet lips.

Well, blowing your fellows heads off is my thing.

-"I like traveling".

-"Traveling? Interesting! Have you visited any… remarkable places?" She asks again, then suddenly stands up, pulls her chair closer and sits back, I couldn't figure how close she is until her face was only inches away from mine.

-"I had actually" I answer, trying to look proud, why am I so nervous? "I like exploring new places, meeting new people, it's always good to do new things in life, you know".

-"Exploring, huh?" She leans forward, putting her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her hand "Can I tell you a secret, Joseph?"

-"Always" I reply with a cheeky smile.

-"I've been looking forward to meet your father, but in fact, meeting you was my aim, I've always wanted to see you… face to face" she declares, eyeing me from up to down. Damn! She's examining me! "You're much more… exceptional" she whispers, sweeping her other hand gently on my thigh, my muscles stiffened. Hey! Wait a second! Are you trying to seduce me? Well, obviously you are.

The waiter arrives with the juice and the coffee, thank God! I owe you, boy. He nearly spilled it while putting it on the table, I scowl up at him. Suddenly the curiosity overwhelmed my thoughts.

-"Can I ask you a question?"

-"You can ask me anything" Her hand still brushing my leg, moving inwards.

-"Why did you ask to meet me here, in this crowded restaurant? As far as I know, you guys like the discreet places" like vampires!

-"Well, it's not that kind of meetings" she replies, removing her hand and leaning back in her chair. I wonder what kind of meetings this will turn to.

-"Then?" I ask abruptly.

She stares at me for a second, then pulls her bag and fumbles in it, I secretly reach for my gun. Don't you dare think about it! She takes out a cigarette, I exhale. I was holding my breath? Reaching instead for my pocket I pull the lighter out, lean forward and ignite the cigarette between her lips, the flame reflects in her eyes. I should stop being so paranoid, it's only a meeting in a swarmed place in mid-evening, for God's sake!

-"You can call it a future mutual business meeting" She answers after blowing a grey little cloud of smoke.

Mutual?! What on earth should be mutual between us? Detestation?

-"Alright" I say "I'm listening".

-"We know that your father runs a good business with the construction materials".

I wonder who she means by 'We'.

-"He is, actually".

-"And we're sure he can manage running another business".

-"Another business?" I narrow my eyes "I'm not sure I understand" In fact, I don't.

-"You know that Mr. Wachter is a friend of mine, me and him recently ran a business, I'm not sure your father knows anything about it, yet, but he will very soon".

-"What kind of business?" I ask. What kind of business two snakes can run together?

"Weapons" She says calmly after blowing another cloud of smoke.

WHAT?! Hell! I feel like something shattered inside my head.

-"Weapons!" I breathe, appalled "How could you…"

-"I can't tell you everything now" she interrupts with a serious tone "All what you need to know now that it's a very secret business, very easy to do, and very, very lucrative" she continues with a fiery flicker in her eyes "Not to mention all the benefits you can have from associating us".

Associating you! Associating murderers! I feel like I just got hit by a sledge hammer in the gut. My brain is about to explode, my heart is drumming in my ears. She's trying to use me to convince my father to be a part of weapon trading. Death trading to be exact. Something I've always loathed, something I… Something I've always fought.

I clear my throat, praying that my face didn't betray me by showing how taken aback I am.

-"I need to know more details" I add with an official tone.

-"You'll know all the details later, right now I want you to give me… a green light".

-"For what?" I frown, cocking my head to the side.

-"For accessing your father's mind" she giggles devilishly "I mean to speak to him about this” She takes another breath of her cigarette “Matt… Mr. Wachter, is worrying that if he will speak to him directly your father will not, you know, get his point".

Ha! I knew it! Rage swells inside me. How the hell dare she even speak to me about it?! How could she think for a second that I may approve to let me or father become their toy? I fist my hands on my knees. No, this can't be.

-"Your offer is very… um… tempting, Miss Mills, but I don't think my father will approve" I say in a calm tone, trying my best not to reveal my fury.

-"Well, honey pie, that's why I'm talking to you" she leans forward, grabs the glass of juice, shakes the straw inside it for a moment and takes a sip "You're the only one whom he will listen to" she takes another sip "And we know. We know that your father loves money more than anything" she smiles mischievously while taking a third sip.

I gulp. Unfortunately she's right, that's the ugly truth about my father, the money. The trade in construction materials is an old family business, but for father it was always about extending it, making it bigger, not only for 'the future's insurance' but because it'd be more money-making. But I can't even endure the idea of him partnering with the enemy just for the sake of more thousands of currency.

-“Maybe he is” I answer in defense, knotting my fingers on the table “but that doesn’t mean he’d get himself in troubles just for a bunch of money, and definitely not for you”.

-“Troubles!” She giggles “Believe me, with us you’ll know nothing about troubles”.

Now that’s ridiculous!

-"And if he will not agree" she continues, biting her lip "There'll be… Effects".

All my rational thoughts crashed by the impact of her last word.

-"What do you mean by effects?" I ask, my anger is evident.

She doesn't reply. Extinguishing her cigarette in the ashtray she gives me the most penetrating gaze I've ever received from her.

-"Oh, Joseph, you know what we are capable to do" she adds in a mocking tone.

A bad image attacks my mind, but it instantly dissolves in a wave of pure anger that was ready to drown her. That's when I realize the weight of her threat, what they are capable of. They can't only kill, they can do worse. They can hurt, they can hurt the one in the most precious thing he own, they can hurt to the level that makes the death looks like a bliss from Heaven, and not necessarily physically, which is even eviler.

No way, I won't lead my father to the death road by myself. Now I really wish I can pull my gun out, and put a shiny little bullet between her well-trimmed eyebrows. Damn! I feel so… frozen!

-"Now, my dear, you have a small homework" She says like a teacher who tries to explain to a dumb student "All what you should do is gaining us his approval, unconditionally, that's better for him and for us as well" My eyes follow her fingers as she extends them to my chest and pulls the tie a bit, smoothing it with her thumb "You both must know that partnering with us will give you a great advantage, not only financially, partnering with us means protection, power, and ultimate control".

I want to howl laughing at her little speech, but the hurricane of feelings that I have in this moment prevents me, I feel like I’m trapped between a fire and a cliff, if I ran at any direction it’ll be my end, my brain is whacking, trying to find a way to get myself from this awful situation. I look at her face, it’s very close to mine, I can feel her hot, dragon-like, breaths against my lips, she still fixing me with her stabbing gaze, waiting for a respond.

Suddenly the idea hit me like a thunderbolt.

If I accepted, and father said yes for partnership, that will mean there will be big business arrangements, secret meetings, with calls, work sheets, and lots of… Information.

J, you freakin' genius!

-"Fine" I reply after taking a deep breath, shifting in my seat I force her to let go of my tie, I pull the untouched coffee cup and drink a mouthful, its cold.

-"Fine?" She repeats, raising her eyebrows.

-"I have a condition, though" I state, leaning back in my seat, and trying my best to look bossy.

-"Which is?" She asks, rolling her eyes.

-"My father's name stays out of the records, if, you have records" I announce. "He has a bright clean reputation in the constructions market, and I think you know how he thinks about this… this whole matter, and I'm sure that any attempt, from your side of course, to stain it will have unlikeable consequences on your work" I hope that will convince her "so?"

She frowns, eyeing me with a skeptical, blazing look, and then a vicious smile splashes over her face.


Score! I smile back, leaning in my chair I point to one of the waiters, I didn't realize I was semi rock-still all that time.

-"What would you like for supper?"

-"So we are OK!" Her eyes glint when she inhales deeply.

-"Did you think I'll say no?" And miss all the upcoming thrill? No way!

-"Joseph, you are full of surprises" she says with her lusty tone, brushing her middle finger on my knuckles.

I smirk. You have no idea.


new, story, writing, writer, scene
