Searching for john and daphne moments fanfiction.

Feb 23, 2013 23:27

Hey all, I just found switched at birth and watched every episode in two days. it is amazing. Now I am blowing through the fanfiction trying to get my fix to tied me over until the next episode.  I have a real hankering for a fanfiction about John and daphne bonding.

Most of the fics are EBay or general, that I can find. Can anyone point me in the direction of some light fluffy bonding fictions? I always feel that in the show John and daphne have failed to make a connection and bond. They shoot hoops together, John coaches Daphne, he yells at her about what he thinks is safe, and then there was the horribly shallow food van episode where John hovered and went along with what daphne wanted. There are all these daphne/john moments in the show but there is never any physical closeness, no emotions, just cheesy shallow gestures and then john going into Alpha male mode and laying down the protective law. There is never any real heart to heart bonding or any emotion. I would really love a fluffy bonding fiction between daphne and john or even kathryn or Toby.

Can anyone point me towards the father daughter bonding? many thanks.

fanwork: fanfiction, character: john kennish, character: daphne vasquez

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