Fic: A Sense of Family | DCU | Jason Todd, Bat Clan | Hard R | 1/1

Aug 04, 2008 15:35

Title: A Sense of Family
Fandom: DCU
Characters: Jason Todd, mentions of the the entire Bat Clan
Rating: Hard R - for Jason's nasty mouth
Word Count: 1,108
Prompt: For 50_darkfics - #95 - Need
Summary: Jason's thoughts on his 'family'. In short, he's one bitter former Robin.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Written in response to the following questions put forth by aiyokusama for our Jason Todd muses: How do you feel about your brothers? Tim, Dick and Damian? Do you even know about Damian? Also, Jason, do you want a sense of "family" with anyone (bat or not)? Originally posted on June 23rd.

A Sense of Family

How do I feel about my brothers? How the fuck do you think I feel? I can't fucking stand 'em!

Do you really wanna open this can of worms with me? Yeah? Fine. S'your funeral.

Dick. He is one serious piece of work. Golden Boy can do no fucking wrong. You don't think I saw the way he was with Bruce way back when? The way the old man's eyes lit up with whatever daddy pride/pedo/blind to the rest of the world freakish fascination he had with Dickie... Fucking sick. Made me wanna puke. No way I could ever live up to that kinda shit. I wasn't any kind of acrobat. Was never bendy like that. Foldin' yourself into a pretzel ain't exactly a valuable street skill, y'know? Unless you've got someone willin' to pay for 'entertainment' like that, if you catch my drift. But damn, Dickie could move. The bastard. And everyone fuckin' loved him. EVERYONE. I was just some sorry wannabe in their eyes. Still not sure if I ever registered in the Titans' eyes as anything more than that. The shadow of Robin v. 1.0 wasn't exactly easy to fill.

What's worse? I saw the shit Dickie bird got away with over the last few years. That whole Renegade mess. Bastard was never once called out on it. Maybe he lost a few friends, but Daddy Bats was always there when Dickie needed him. I took a shit ton of kryptonite out of the game, took Black Mask DOWN, and what do I get for my trouble? Arrest warrants and a Batarang to the neck. Fuckers.

Tim. I hate that little fucker so goddamn much! Freaky little shit with his damn ninja stalking. I'm not gonna lie - the kid scares me a little. He's like Bruce on crack. Obsessed, dark, fucked up. Yeah, he lost some people. Good friends, a girlfriend (which he got back, I might add), his dad. But so what? I lost my parents. Found out my REAL mom was a bitch and a half. Lost my freakin' LIFE!! Lost BRUCE!! So cry me a river, emo kid. You haven't got it any worse than the rest of us.

What, you want to hear about that fight at Titans Tower, too? Sheesh. I was hoping people had forgotten about that. That night.. well, I wasn't exactly all there. Still a little jacked up from the Pit, to be honest. But goddamn, if that little fucker wasn't leading the team that had treated ME like a pathetic replacement. Everyone said he was better than I was, was better than DICKIE was. No fucking way. Well, I managed to beat the shit out of him, so what now, bitch?

And you know what else? Everyone acts like he's so wounded, it makes me want to puke. More. He gets away with trying to clone his dead friend, trying to raise people from the DEAD with the Lazarus Pit, and people coddle him like a little kicked puppy. All I did was try to enact some freakin' JUSTICE, and I was treated like dirt. Where's the justice in that?

Damian. Don't get me started. I've been lucky enough to never have the displeasure of meeting him; what I hear makes me want to chuck the little shit out a window. Bruce's kid, my ass. I spent over a year with Talia, and I never saw no kid hangin' around. Maybe she cloned the little shit. Artificial insemination or somethin'. Beats me. But he ain't Bruce's. No way.


'Cuz he's even freakier than Timmy! Kid's got an ego the size of freakin' Texas! Yeah, Bats are arrogant fuckers, but this is a whole other league of 'full of himself'. Honestly? If it came down to it, I'd probably help Tim kick the little shit's ass. Kid is a menace.

Last, do I want a sense of 'family'... Fuck, why'd you have to ask me something like that? I don't even know what that means! When have I ever had a family to compare to? My mom was a drug addict, dad was a criminal. No siblings until Dick, and that don't exactly count. If you could count Daddy Bats as a father figure... yeah, I guess it was good, in a way, and maybe I wouldn't mind having something like that again. Maybe without all the Golden Boy crap, though. Maybe if Bruce would just freakin' ACKNOWLEDGE me for once, that'd be all I needed. You know, daddy's approval, and all that shit. Fuck. I dunno. Whatever. I've been screwed over too many times by this family to care anymore.

As for my 'brothers'... who needs 'em? I've got enemies that treat me better than they do. Shit, freakin' HARLEY QUINN treated me better than they do, and she's the freakin' CLOWN'S GIRLFRIEND!! All I ever wanted was for them... all of them, whoever, to freakin' accept me, stop comparing me to Dickie and to Bruce, and now to Timmy... Just wanted to be my own man, not some shadow, some obit and costume in the Cave... be treated like a goddamn HUMAN BEING.

How can you have a family if your 'family' won't even acknowledge your existence?

So. Yeah. Maybe I wouldn't mind having a sense of family. What of it? Nobody has to know that, and you better not go spreading it around. Last thing I need is Alfred showing up at my door, 'tsk'ing at my dirty excuse for an apartment, and trying to get me to come 'home'. Right now... I don't need any more reminders of what I'm missing, okay?


What, you want my thoughts on Babs and Cass, too? Fine. Babs was awesome. I didn't really know her well, but she was too cool for the Bat Clan, that's for sure. I don't think they'd survive without her working as Oracle these days.

I wouldn't have minded having her as a big sister.


Shut up. You don't know me.

As for Cass... well, that's another one I haven't met. I've heard... interesting things about her. Like her being practically mute when Bruce first took her in, not knowing how to read, shit like that. Fuckin' sad. But she can apparently kick some fierce ass. Who knew? I'd hate to meet her in a dark alley, that's for sure. Maybe on the training mats one day. At least there'd be fail safes. Not gonna lie. She scares me a little, too.

You know Bruce once thought Lady Shiva was MY mother, too? The fuck?! I don't even LOOK Asian!

That it? Better not ask me about Bruce next. There's not enough time in the day to tell you about how I feel about HIM. Bastard.

* * * * *

ch: nightwing, ch: robin iii, fic: challenge fic, challenge: misc dcu, ch: tim drake, ch: dick grayson, ch: damian wayne, ch: jason todd, ch: bruce wayne, ch: bat family, challenge: 50_darkfics, fandom: dcu, ch: batman, ch: barbara gordon, ch: oracle, ch: harley quinn, ch: red hood, .fic, fic: fic

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