Another Quiz! I just couldn't resist this one...

Aug 04, 2008 12:17

Your result for The Public Understanding of Scientific Terms and Concepts Test...

100% Understanding!

You scored 100% Understanding.

The details... )

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silverlily771 August 4 2008, 16:36:29 UTC
My results = FAIL. I got 69% on the test. Looks like I need to go back to school... *facepalm* It doesn't help that I didn't have a true highschool education. D'oh.

This is why I look up to you and listen to you when you get into a science-ramble. You're the smart one. LOL


saavikam77 August 4 2008, 16:49:20 UTC
Oh, honey! *huge hugs*

I wish I could have helped more when you were still homeschooling. O_O

*more hugs*


silverlily771 August 4 2008, 16:56:58 UTC
I doubt you could have helped though. I had ninth in homeschooling and dropped out mid-way through tenth. I dont remember ninth or tenth having a science course, and even if they did, the books weren't that great in teaching the RIGHT things. lol. Not like I was really doing anything to actually learn at the time.

Plus you were busy helping mom with Katie and Collin, who needed more help than I did - I was beyond help once I was taken out of public school. *shrug* At least I was smart enough and had the commen sence to get my GED.


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silverlily771 August 4 2008, 17:12:44 UTC
Yes. Just add insult to injury. Thanks a TON.

*tucks self under the blankets in bed* Now I know another reason why I hate mondays. I can never get a break 'round here.


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silverlily771 August 4 2008, 17:17:52 UTC
*hugs back*

I know you mean no harm in your joking, but I am way too sensative to take them lightly.


saavikam77 August 4 2008, 17:19:53 UTC
I think part of the problem was you guys moving to Wisconsin. Not much I could do from that far away.

But you are never beyond help, sweetie. *hugs*


silverlily771 August 4 2008, 17:26:58 UTC
Yeah, not only were we in wisconsin, but I had BOYS on the brain. LOL!!!! My one true weekness... btw, did you read my most recent blog? Mentions of SPN in it, lol

Thanks for the comment about not being beyond help. I appreciate that you still have confidence in me.


saavikam77 August 4 2008, 17:37:50 UTC
Gods, yeah. XD I remember that well.

I did read your post. And I'm feeling woefully inadequate that I haven't finished watching everything. :p

*hugs* :) You're welcome, sweetie.


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