Ficlet: Intruder | Heroes/DCU | Micah, Babs | G | 1/1

Jul 18, 2008 14:19

Title: Intruder
Fandom: Heroes/DCU
Characters: Micah Sanders, Barbara Gordon
Rating: G
Word Count: 251
Prompt: For tiptoe39 - "I know who you are."
Summary: Oracle confronts an intruder in her systems.
Disclaimer: NBC, Tim Kring, DC, and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Happy belated birthday, tiptoe39! :D


<21:03 Delphi> This is the third time you've gotten into my systems

<21:03 Delphi> How?

<21:04 interface> good question

<21:04 interface> dunno

<21:04 Delphi> how can you not know? I have more security than god

<21:05 interface> sort of a long story. I don't need a computer

<21:05 Delphi> WHAT?!

<21:07 interface> don't need a computer. just have to interface with something electronic. my mind does the work. it's a gift.

<21:08 Delphi> Lemme get this straight. You're a meta?

<21:08 interface> I guess

<21:09 Delphi> And your ability lets you get into computer systems without an actual computer terminal?

<21:09 interface> yeah. I can do it from ATMs, movie ticket terminals, phones, all sorts of things, as long as it has some kindof connection to the internet.

<21:10 Delphi> That doesn't explain how you got past my security.

<21:10 interface> Um... it took a while. your encryption is good.

<21:10 Delphi> That's all you have to say? That my encryption is *good*? Sweetheart, some of the world's greatest hackers have tried to get into my systems, and failed. I wasn't kidding when I said I had more security than god. Batman has tried and failed to get into my systems.

<21:11 interface> BATMAN couldn't get in!?! O_O Wow...

<21:13 Delphi> How old are you, anyway?

<21:14 interface> ...

<21:14 interface> 11

<21:15 Delphi> WHAT!? Alright, you have some serious explaining to do, kiddo.

<21:15 interface> Sorry, Miss Gordon. It'll have to wait for another time, my mom said I have to go to bed now, or else I'm grounded. Again.

<21:15 Delphi> O_O

<21:15 user interface has logged out>

* * * * *

ch: micah sanders, fandom: dcu, fic: gift fic, ch: oracle, ch: barbara gordon, fic: ficlet, fandom: heroes, .fic, fic: request fic

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